Cp:11 Comfortable

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Next day

Jimin- Come on, tell us already.....

Taehyung- My goodness nothing happened I swear, we just bumped into each other that's all.

He explained for millionth time that day

Jin- Cool guys are here!

Everybody smiled at Jin who yelled as soon as he stepped into the classroom

Jimin- Aiii Yoogass is here

Jimin rolled his eyes

Yoongi- Dare to call me that again...

He glared

Hoseok- Dare to glare at him again!

Hoseok spat back

Taehyung- Come on you guys just calm down.....

Yoongi looked at Taehyung and widened his eyes, let's say that no one bothered to tell him about yesterday.

Yoongi- You?

Taehyung- Um...me?

Jin- Oh oh oh we kinda forgot to tell you, this is actually Taehyung. We will explain later. Now behave good, they are all my kids....

Jimin- Hyung....we are just a couple of months younger than you...

He whined

Jin- I said what I said.

Namjoon- Don't bother little one...he is very stubborn

Jimin- I'm not little

He pouted making everyone to coo at the sight. Taehyung looked around

Taehyung- Koo- Jungkook is not here...

He shyly asked when suddenly someone back hugged him and slowly kissed his cheek

Jungkook- Morning baby....

Hoseok- Baby?

Jungkook- Well he looks like a baby so I'm calling him baby....

He casually said not bothering to remove his hands from Taehyung's waist, who seemed not to mind that at all.

Hoseok- Yeah right.....

Yoongi who was looking all confused just stared at people in front of him

Jimin- At this rate they will get married in a month...

He smiled and nudged Hoseok

Hoseok- For sure

Joy- Seriously what is this behavior? You literally met yesterday, actually not..you know what I mean

She said not knowing that Taehyung is the guy Jungkook slept with

Namjoon- Leave them they are cute, by the way, where is Selena?

Hoseok- Sleeping, like seriously that girl is...I don't even have words. She sleeps like a dead person.

Everybody laughed

Namjoon- Oh we have someone like that too....

He pointed at Yoongi who huffed and sat back down

Jin- You two are very comfortable with each other right??

He looked at Jungkook and Taehyung with a smirk. Out of embarrassment Taehyung wiggled out of Jungkook's hands and sat on his chair, covering his face with his hands.

His Voice ( Taekook/Yoongi X Reader ) ✅Where stories live. Discover now