Cp:38 Forgive and hate.

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It was a pin drop silence in the house. Selena was looking at Taehyung still not believing that he was actually in front of her. Tears were falling down freely but Taehyung wasn't in any better state. 

Selena- Tae? 

She walked closer to him and raised her shaky hand in attempt to touch him, but she stopped. Taehyung smiled through tears 

Taehyung- It's me Sel, it's me 

He assured and that's when both closed the distance between them by hugging each other. 

Selena- I-I missed you so much..

She sobbed against his chest 

Taehyung- It's okay, I'm here now

He pulled away and looked at her 

Taehyung- Now, don't cry. Where's my strong Selena hm? Remember, I'm the crybaby here 

He joked 

" There's no more Selena Tae " She thought but smiled afterwards then looked at Boran 

Selena- Daddy

With quick steps Boran approached his daughter and hugged her 

Boran- Where were you? Don't you dare to go away again

Selena- I'm here now dad

Boran- God, I missed you so much

* cough cough * 

Boran looked at Daniel 

Daniel- Learn to share 

He playfully said when Selena came to greet him too 

Daniel- Missed you so much pretty

Selena- I missed you more 

She turned to Bambam and gave him a quick hug 

Joy- Hey Sel, long time no see 

She fakely smiled and took a quick hold of Yoongi's hand who seem to be in some kinda trance. Taehyung frowned not liking the sudden atmosphere 

Selena- Yeah, but as I can see everything is fine

Joy chuckled 

Joy- More than fine, well you see. Yoongi and I are together now

She said and kissed Yoongi on the lips causing Selena's heart to break in pieces. She hated this feeling, that's why she was away. She wanted to run away from it. Seeing Yoongi again just made her to realize that she was still, even more than before in love with him. 

The kiss caused Yoongi to come back to his senses, he pushed Joy away from him and stormed outside. 

Joy sighed 

Joy- I don't know if I should say sorry for his behavior but I'm sure that you don't mind. He hates you after all. 

She calmly said and walked after Yoongi leaving Selena in her own misery. 

Boran- Princess are you okay? 

He worriedly looked at his daughter 

Boran- That girl will never step in this house again.

He said to the bodyguard at the door who nodded in understanding 

Taehyung- Sel this is...

She suddenly smiled

Selena- We have a lot of things to talk about 

Boran and Taehyung looked at each other when she sat on the couch, the rest following after 

His Voice ( Taekook/Yoongi X Reader ) ✅Where stories live. Discover now