Cp:39 Sad truth

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Few days later

Jimin- I don't like this...

He suddenly said making Namjoon, Jungkook and Taehyung to tear their eyes off the TV and look at him.

Namjoon- What do you mean?

Taehyung- Wanna watch something else?

He truthfully asked

Jimin- No, I'm talking about the things that are happening around us

Taehyung nodded in understanding

Jungkook- There's something weird about Selena, I feel like she is hiding something

He stated while thinking

Namjoon- What do you mean?

Jungkook- I don't know but...she was away from everybody and for that long

He shook his head

Jungkook- Okay us, we are her friends but what about Boran? There's definitely something else

Jimin- Yeah, I think that too and I think that Jey knows something

Taehyung-  But she wouldn't hide anything, nothing serious at least. She's not that kinda person

Jungkook pulled him closer

Jungkook- Maybe is not anything or I'm just imagining things

He said but he just didn't want Taehyung to worry

Jimin- Her hands

Namjoon- Hands?

Jimin- They are shaking way too much, ugh

He gripped his hair in frustration

Namjoon- Hey, we will figure this out okay?

He said and kissed Jimin's cheek who blushed a bit

Jungkook- What about dinner? All of us together

He recommended

Namjoon- Well that would be great but you forgot about Yoongi, he will never accept something like that

Jimin- I don't want Joy to come, she will ruin everything

Taehyung- After what happened last time I don't even think that Boran will allow her to step close to Sel and don't worry about Yoongi. He will come

Jungkook- How can you be so sure?

Taehyung grinned

Taehyung- He can't say no to me. 
Yoongi- No. 

Taehyung- Please, just this time

He whined 

Yoongi- Tae, you know that I love you right? 

Taehyung nodded with a soft smile 

Yoongi- But please don't ask me to do this. I can't and I don't want to. 

Taehyung's eyes saddened at the way Yoongi was looking at him, it was more than obvious that he is hurt. 

" Maybe this was a bad idea, maybe I shouldn't insist " He thought and pulled Yoongi into a quick hug 

Taehyung- It's okay, I understand. But if you change your mind you know where to come. You are more than welcome. 

He pulled away and walked to the door 

His Voice ( Taekook/Yoongi X Reader ) ✅Where stories live. Discover now