Cp:19 The same

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Time skip after the winter break 

Jimin- Can you believe that high school will be over in a few months?? 

He said to Taehyung who was busy putting his shoes on 

Taehyung- Time flies for real.

Jin- Come on we will be late!!!

He yelled from the outside 

Jimin- Let's go before he comes here...

Both laughed and went outside 
At school 

Yoongi- It's been a five days after the school started why is she not coming?

He bit his lip in worry 

Hoseok- Who?

Yoongi- Selena, where is she??

He whispered causing Hoseok to start laughing 

Jungkook- What's so funny? 

Hoseok went to Jungkook and put an arm over his shoulder

Hoseok- Our little friend here is excited to see his girl again

He said with a smirk causing Yoongi to glare at him. Suddenly Jungkook's eyes widened 

Jungkook- Oh hell no!! 

He said and stormed toward Taehyung who was talking to some guy who was shamelessly checking him out 

Yeon- So can I have your number? So that we can hang out sometimes..

He asked a very confused Taehyung

Yeon- So what do you sa....

Jungkook- NO! He can't. 

He was cut off by Jungkook who appeared in front of them and back hugged Taehyung 

Yeon- And why is that? 

He asked with a smirk 

Jungkook- Because he is taken, married even. 

He casually stated and kissed Taehyung's neck whose eyes were wide the whole time, while at the other side Yoongi and Hoseok were trying their best not to burst  out laughing 

Yeon- Yeah right....and I believe you

He sarcastically replied, Jungkook raised one brow and turned Taehyung so that they were facing each other and without wasting any time he pulled him into a passionate kiss, his hands firmly holding Taehyung's waist who couldn't help but to release a tiny moan when Jungkook slipped his tongue into his mouth. 

Yeon- Okay okay I get it. He is yours!!

He said and rolled his eyes

Yeon- Gosh, you are seriously one possessive bitch 

He said standing there awkwardly, Jungkook pulled away and looked at Taehyung's face. With a smirk he looked at Yeon 

Jungkook- I might be a bitch but Kim Taehyung is mine. 

Yeon- I got it men, I got it. 

He said and left to join his friends, suddenly Taehyung punched Jungkook's chest 

Taehyung- What has gotten into you? He just wants to hang out.

He said with a pout 

Jungkook- No he don't. He wanted you for himself. I saw it with my own eyes

His Voice ( Taekook/Yoongi X Reader ) ✅Where stories live. Discover now