Cp:24 I want the truth!

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Time skip two days later

Jimin- I want to go on a trip with you guys...

Jimin suddenly said

Namjoon- We are always together little one. Aren't you bored of seeing our faces all the time?

He said with a smile

Jimin- Shut up you are so boring and I'm not little!

He said with a pout

Jimin- I need some adventure or something

Jin- Well I agree with you.

Hoseok- So Jin, excited for prom?

Jin huffed

Jin- No, not really. I mean nobody asked me to be their date and I don't want to go alone, maybe I'll just skip...

Jimin nudged Namjoon but he ignored him

'' Gosh this stupid piece of handsome shit, looks like I have to do my thing again '' Jimin thought and texted Jackson

Few minutes later Jin's phone buzzed

Jin- I'm gonna meet with Jackson, he's at gym. See you later

Without waiting for any response he left causing Namjoon to groan frustrated

Namjoon- What is going on with Jackson and Jin anyways?

Jimin- I guess he finally decided to ask him...

Namjoon- Ask what?

He said with raised brow

Jimin- He told me that he wants Jin to be his date, you know prom and all....

Suddenly Namjoon stood up

Jimin- What is...

Namjoon- He can't go with him!!

He yelled causing Jimin to grin

Hoseok- And why is that?

Namjoon ignored them and started running hoping that he'll find Jin as soon as possible

At the gym

Jin- I really appreciate everything you and Chim are doing but I seriously think that this is not working. He just don't like me and I should accept that.

Jackson- How he can not like you? He is just a bit, let's say dense.

Both laughed

Jackson- Oh shit there's Namjoon

Jin's eyes widened

Jackson- Just play along kay?

Jin nodded, Jackson coughed a bit loudly catching Namjoon's attention

Jackson- So Jin, you know how I feel about you and all. I wanted to ask will you be my....

Namjoon- NO HE WILL NOT!!!!

Suddenly Namjoon stood in between the two pusing them apart even tho they weren't standing that close

Jin- Namjoon what are you doing here? And let him speak!

Namjoon- He wants to ask you to be his date for a prom...

Jin- So?

He asked coldly but his heart was racing iniside his chest

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