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Next up, it is his turn to ask me a question, "What is your favourite colour buttercup?" Again, with the nickname? Where does he keep getting the nicknames from 🤔.

"Um, I don't have one favourite colour in particular, although I do really like light and pastel colours" I tell him and watch him as he nods, registering what my answer in his mind.

"Um, what about you, do you have a favourite colour?" I ask.

A wide smile appears on his face, "Yes, well, it used to be navy blue, but now it's hazel green" he exclaimed.

"Why the change?" I ask, silently hoping he takes it as part of the question and not that I wasted my third question.

"Well, your eyes are a beautiful shade of hazel green, with a bit of brown, orange and indigo in them, and so that is my new favourite colour." he proclaims.

Can you guess what that made me do?

Yep, you've got it right.

I, no doubt, look like a ripe, burgundy, pomegranate right now 🙄.

"What is your favourite holiday season, angel?" Charlie asks, snapping me out of my blushing trance.

"Hmm I suppose I would have to choose Christmas; I just love the Christmas season."

"How about you? What is your favourite holiday season of the year?" I ask him.

"Definitely Christmas too, I just love the joy, the colours, the traditions, and the decorations. However, the main thing I love about Christmas is spending time with family during the season. I'm just hoping that this year will be a more joyful Christmas for me."

I rub my chin in a thinking kind of way, "How so?" I ask.

"Well, you see, the thing is that I've spent as many Christmases as my age, odd wheeling with my family and friends during the Christmas season so far, which has been a real downer for me during such a joyful season. So hopefully, you will be here with me, this Christmas and help me feel the joy that the season is supposed to portray?" he hesitates with his statement, but it comes out like more of a question.

"Oh Charlie, of course I will stay for Christmas! When I arrived earlier today, it was only on a temporary trial visit, to give myself space and take a break from the place of my heartbreak and then to see how I like it here, if I really liked it, I'd stay here permanently. However, now that I have met you, my mate, I do actually intend on staying here, with you, for good. I've read a lot of books on the mate theory and it was always written that the female always moves to her mate's pack, especially if her mate is an Alpha. So yes, I will stay here, with you. Although, I would like to return to Wales sometimes to see my family and friends." I proclaim.

Charlie stood there, speechless, for a few minutes, totally dumfounded by my response.

Soon enough though, he breaks out of his shocked trance and lifts me up, off the ground, hurling me around in his arms, again, while kissing me, meaningfully, on the lips.

His soft and warm lips, molding perfectly with my tiny ones.

A few more minutes later, we pull apart as Charlie has something to say, "Oh Angel, you have no idea how happy you have just made me! I am so glad that you are willing to stay here me and of course you will be able to return to your home country as often as you like to see everyone just as long as I can accompany you! I am eager and would love to see the place you were raised and lived all these years." he proclaims, the last bit coming out as a question to which I respond with a nod.

He kisses me on the cheek, before we continue again.

"Right, ok, I think it's my turn to ask a question so, do you have a favourite TV programme, cupcake?" he asks using yet again another of his nicknames.

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