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We arrive at the 'Northgate Mall'. We park inside the shopping centre as there was a parking inside for some people who don't like to walk very far.

When I say people, I mean me 😂

As we step out of the parking lot, I am engulfed by the massive space with thousands of different shops.

I move my eyes, slowly, to look around the place.

It's definitely ten times bigger, if not more, than the shopping centres back in Wales.

I am so distracted by the view in front of me that I almost miss a glimpse of blue that runs up, into Noah's arms, who kisses her and twirls her around.

I'm guessing that this is his mate.

I let out a heavy and sad sigh as my heart squeezes in pain, I really wish that I could've had that. That warm embrace, tight hug, loving gaze and feeling of safety from my mate.

Oh well, life goes on, I suppose and besides, I've almost completely forgotten about my rejection, thanks to my family and my friends back in Wales.

I guess my brother was right, moving out here really did help me, a lot. I have my head up and I am looking forward, not back, just like Sean told me to.

Gee I am really starting to miss him and the rest of my friends right now.

But, as a wise animal, from another of my favourite Disney movies said, 'The past can hurt but the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.' (It was Rafiki from The Lion King, if you don't know), and I choose to carry on with my life and learn from my mistakes.

Once Noah is done spinning his mate around, he turns back to me, "Katty, this is my beautiful mate, Mia! Mia, this is my cousin Kat..." He sort of breaks off as if wanting to say more.

He looks at me, silently asking if he can tell her about me.

I give him a small smile and nod.

He then finishes what he wanted to say, "She just moved here because she was rejected and heartbroken by her former Alpha, at her former pack in Wales."

Mia then rushes over to me and hits me with a tight hug, "Oh my dear, I am so sorry you had to go through that. I know it is painful, but it will get better. Believe me, I may not have experienced it, but I just have faith about these kinds of things!"

I offer her a warm smile.

A few minutes later, the rest of Noah's friends arrive and meet us. Noah introduces me to them and vice versa.

I say hi to them all and they chat amongst each other.

However, there is one thing that I notice, the Alpha isn't with them.

Phew, that's a relief, the pressure of meeting him is lifted off my shoulders.


I know that my aunt, uncle and Noah have cleared it for me to be here, in his pack, but I have this feeling that I will also need to prove myself to be a part of his pack.


I begin to feel a little left out as they all know each other well and their topics are nothing that I understand so I tell Noah that I'm going to have a look at something in one of the stores.

"Sure, just text me where you are so I know where to find you later on" he shakes me off, completely forgetting about me for that moment, as they chat about their friendship topics and gossiping about who knows what.

I walk off to the further side, trying to make myself invisible.

Everyone was staring at me, probably cuz I still smelt like I was from a different pack, and I really didn't like it, it made me feel really uncomfortable.

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