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"So, Angel, do you have a favourite movie?" he asks, and I don't hesitate with this answer, I instantly know what my response is.

I nod, "'10 Things I Hate About You', I just love how Kat and Patrick's, not knowing that each other existed, develop their love towards each other." I reveal to him.

"That's a great movie, I'll give you that." he says and if I'm honest, I'm surprised he actually likes that movie.

"How about you, what's your favourite movie?" I ask him.

His expression briefly changes to a thinking one about and then changes again into a content one as he replies, "Um, it would have to be 'Percy Jackson and The Lightening Thief', I like a movie with a bit of an adventure and action." he says to which I nod.

I give a nod of my own, "Ooo, yeah, that is definitely on my 'favourite movie' list, just not in first place" I say, giving him a little laugh.

"Do you have any siblings, angel?" he asks me, making me melt inside, again as he continues to use that nickname for me.

"Well, that's a bit difficult to explain" I reply.

"How do you mean?" he asks.

I laugh and explain, "Ok, um, well I have a biological brother named Tom! He has always been there for me and truly turned my birthday around, when I was rejected that day, I was a weeping mess, but he turned it around, invited all my friends, organised an awesome party, helped me go to sleep happy by surrounding me with my friends and it was his idea to have me come to America. If he hadn't come up with that idea, I would've never met and we wouldn't be here now! Also, his mate, Ava, is like a sister to me too."

"Mhm" he nods, waiting for me to carry on.

"Have I told you about my friend Sean?" I ask.

He rubs is chin, teasingly, as if thinking, "No, I don't recollect you mentioning anything about a Sean" he says.

"Oh, must have been Noah then, right, ok, so, Sean is one of my best friends from Wales and he's just two weeks older than me." I begin.

He nods, again waiting for me to continue.

"Sean is the person who has always had my back. Since Tom is much older than me, Sean has been the one who to take up the 'overprotective brother' position in school. He was always right by my side, in all my classes and had always been there and protected me whenever the queen b**** and her posse have tried to hurt me or when any guys tried to hurt or hit on me, which made me feel really uncomfortable. He was there that day when I shifted for the first time, right after the Alpha rejected me, and he helped me shift back into my human form after the shift too. He has done so many good things for me and been so caring towards me so I sort of classed him as my brother from another mother! Do you get me." I finish, with a hopeful feeling that he doesn't shoot me from having male friends.

"Yeah, I get you" he says causing me to give him a look of confusion.

"What?" he asks, confused at my expression.

"I thought you'd be mad that I had other male friends, of the way that I speak about him so fondly and the fact that he had been posing as the protective guy in my life." I say, voicing my thoughts.

He looks at me lovingly, "Why would I be mad Angel?" he asks.

"Well, I've read that males can be very territorial of their mates and... not saying that you're like that and I don't want to sound stereotypical but the pack that I've lived with, well, um, you understand what I'm saying, right?" I ramble on.

He looks down at me with a very warm and comforting smile, "Don't worry about its princess. I get it, the pack you've come from, their customs are different but let me tell you this, our pack is nothing like the one you grew up in, besides I would never do the things they'd do when they find out their mates have had other male friends. I'm glad that you grew up between two very protective guys in your life. I have also heard about them kind of males and the way they react; it scares their mates. I would never even dare to scare you the way that they would" he declares, wearing a serious expression as he kisses me on the forehead.

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