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Dad had told me, at some point, yesterday that he'd be travelling to America with me and staying with me for a while so that he could help me get fully settled in and so that I wouldn't have any trouble getting everything to my aunt's house. Plus, he also wanted to see his sister, since he hasn't seen her, face to face, since Aunt Zoey had moved to America, and he had really missed her.

When morning came, I heave myself out of bed and remember that I will be going to America today. Is it weird that I am happy, sad and scared at the same time? Yes? No? Ok.

I pop into my bathroom, to brush my teeth, wash my face and have a quick shower.

I come out of the bathroom and put the same comfy clothes I had on yesterday and head down for breakfast. My family were already awake and having breakfast looking surprisingly a lot better than yesterday.

"Good morning." I tell them.

"Morning love, sleep well?" my mum says.

I come up to her and give her a hug while replying, "I slept very well, thanks mum."

My dad serves us breakfast on the table and then we all sit down at the table and have some food, us just casually chatting with each other; me, and Ava then mum, dad and Tom.


Once we finished breakfast, we pile the remains of my things into the back of the car. When we're done, we are, surprisingly, about 5 hours ahead of schedule meaning we had around 5 hours till we had to leave for the airport.

We decide to sit down while dad puts the kettle on asking everyone if they want something to drink.

A few minutes later, there is a knock on the door and Tom goes to open the door.

Before I know it, I am knocked to the floor by six things and who, along with me, end up in a laughing heap on the floor once again.

The six things turn out to be my friends.

When we are done laughing and tackling each other, we all stand up and I notice they all have tears in their eyes, especially Sean. They all form a protective shell around me and literally squeeze the life out of me, again.

They, then stand to one side, right by my family who are all holding presents, with gifts of their own.

Once again, just like on my birthday, one by one they come up to me, just this time they come up in pairs and not individuals. First up came Matt and Maddy. They come up to me with a massive envelope full of printed-out posts that I saved on Pinterest. I give them a hug each and put the envelope the ground, the envelope posing as the base of my pile, that I have no doubt, will be stacked up.

Next up are Ella and Oliver come up to me. They give me a material bag of positive, motivational etc. quotes and cute fox and hedgehog mugs. We give each other bone crushing hugs and they hug back with just as much force.

After they step back, Sean and Jen come up to me. Jen hands me a beautiful handmade scrapbook. I open it and see a lot of our famous quotes and pictures of our best days. It looked absolutely amazing and I really loved it.

Sean then hands me a separate, gorgeous, wooden storage box with my name engraved on top of it, with Open me when...' letters inside.


I have always wanted someone to give me those and who's better to make them for me than Sean.


I give them both a very tight squeeze, especially to Sean. Jen moves to one side and he move closer to me as he says, "I'm gonna miss you my little Thumbelina, I love you so much, just keep your head up, and never stop being the strong person you are and remember what I told you yesterday, okay." I nod and pull apart, tears springing to my eyes and I could see tears filling his eyes too.

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