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I wake up, the next day and I am very much relieved that it's a Saturday.


I don't think that I would be able to go back into school after what happened yesterday, regardless of how everyone cheered me up yesterday.

Even if my friends would be there to protect me, especially Sean, I still don't think I could manage seeing 'him' again.


I yawn and stretch, throwing a gaze to my clock and it shows 10 am. Hmm good timing, not too early but then again, not too late.

I walk over to my bathroom, brush my teeth and hop into the shower for a quick wash.

I hop out and look for my 'comfy, stay at home' outfit as I have no intention of going anywhere today.

I put on my large, pink, Bambi tee and my favourite pair of leggings. I slip on my fluffy slippers that I keep under my bed and head for the stairs.

I reach the doorway of the kitchen and immediately the smell of a burnt pancakes hits my nose.

I step further into the kitchen and the view in front of me is so hilarious.

I see my brother with his head down on the table moaning incoherent words while mum is shaking him, trying to get him to wake up and have some breakfast, looking just as tired and dad is standing by the stove, half asleep himself, burning the pancakes he has on the gas.

Ava is the only one who looks well rested and awake, sitting by the table, eating her cereal and toast, looking at them with a displeased expression on her face.

I suppose it's only me and her who have actually slept, last night.


Knowing Tom, he was probably up all night on his phone, scrolling through Facebook and playing Merge Dragon.

Dad was probably doing the same thing last night just he was probably playing Hay Day and my mum was most probably updating her Instagram and Facebook status with the photos from yesterday while checking how many likes a comment she got.


I step up to the table and say a loud "Good morning!" to everyone and let out a giggle.

I hear a groan and another bang on the table from Tom, a panicked shriek from dad as he probably notices he's burning the pancakes and a yawning "morning" from my mum. 🙄

Ava wheels herself over to me squeezing my hand and says, "Good morning, Kathrine, how are you today, sorry about everyone else, they were up till late scrolling through social media, updating profiles and playing games." smiling up at me.

Yep, I guessed right. I give her a squeeze back and move with her to sit down next to her, grabbing myself some cereals and milk. "Ha-ha, I thought so, I'm fine thank you, just feels so good that it's the weekend." I sigh happily.

Once mum had finally managed to wake Tom up and dad had made a new batch of pancakes, they sat down at the table to enjoy the food that dad had made before I came down and hadn't burnt. Dad sits down and set a plate of a freshly made batch of pancakes.


Dad suddenly got a phone call, so he excuses himself to the other room. I look around the table and comment, "How is it that only me and Ava look not exhausted and completely well rested today, eh?"

Tom looks up at me and glares while mum just shrugs.

Soon dad comes back to the table, finished with the phone call he just had to take. He looks at my mum and nods at her. She nods back at him. What are they up to? He looks at Tom whose head is, yet again, flat down on the table. He rolls his eyes at him and just brushes it off and then directs his gaze at me, his expression getting serious.

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