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Beep... beep... beeeeeep!

The alarm emitting from my bedside table is making my head hurt by now, ugh why won't it just shut up?

I try hitting it a few times, but it just won't stop.

My brother probably set it so that I wouldn't be able to press snooze.


If I'm being completely honest with myself, I don't have very good time management and if I did press snooze, I'd never be able to make it out on time, to get to college.


On the one hand, I am a bit disappointed that I can't stay in my warm and comfy bed any longer but on the other hand, I am thankful that I have such a thoughtful brother who cares enough for me not to be late for my classes.


I sigh, tiredly, yawn and stretch, wondering what could today possibly bring.

I get washed, dressed, and go downstairs to have some breakfast before leaving for college.

As I enter the kitchen, I get a big surprise from my family who I am currently living with: my mum, my dad, my brother and his mate, Ava.


Yes, my brother and his mate are still living with us as they can't afford to get their own place due to how much they had to pay for the treatment of Ava's condition.


Once I am fully in the kitchen, each person takes their turn to wish me happy birthday:

"Happy birthday sweetie" my mum says, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Happy 18th birthday darling" my dad tells me and gives me a tight, side hug.

"Happy birthday Cookie, hope you have a good one" my brother, Tom, says as he gives my one of his, famous, bone crushing hugs, while Ava, who is in a wheelchair, rolls over to me, "Happy birthday Kat! Hope you have a great day."

Yep, that's right, today is my birthday.

Ah yes, the big 1 8!


Big deal.

It's only the day I shift for the first time and get a chance at finding my mate.

Oops, it is a big deal, oh crap I totally forgot 🤦🏻‍♀️.

This is the day I have been both dreading and anticipating, my whole life. The day of my first shift and also the day I finally find my mate.

I thank them all and head out to college. It's not that far to be honest, about 10-15-minute walk depending on my pace (which is usually fast) so I take it easy with getting there.


Even though my walking pace is quite fast, if Tom hadn't set my alarm setting so that I couldn't press snooze, I would be late, because of, you know, my poor time management.


My mum and dad have to get to work, and my brother stayed home with Ava as she's vulnerable because she can't walk and obviously my brother would not leave her alone so none of them could've given me a lift.


I head into the building and immediately I get hit with the weird scent of winter and cinnamon. My wolf, Alexis quickly jumps up and starts repeating "Mate" over and over again, in my head.

However, I feel that something is a little off, so I choose to ignore my wolfs pleadings and the scent and just carry-on walking to my locker.


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