Chapter 2 - SUNRISE

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Exposure/Error - Bold (+speech marks)

Virtue/Dream - Italic (+speech marks)

Complex/Cross - Underlined (+speech marks)

[Exposure's POV]

Sure, they held all the power over all of the island basically. Sure, they were the most respected people on the island. Sure, they had all of the riches and most of the income went to them.

But does all that mean they're better people than us? No, I don't think so.

They still expect us to pay taxes (which we don't of course). They also still expect us (or Virtue should I say) to lift and raise the Sun. Sometimes he does it an hour late just to piss them off. It's childish I know, but it is hilarious as fuck.

There's something that isn't quite 'hilarious as fuck'... the fact that Amity isn't back yet.

Where the hell is that little pissbaby? I'm surprised he's been out this late; he usually nags on at us about being late. He'd usually get back early and make food... to be honest, he wasn't the best cook, but none of us had the heart to tell him. Honestly, we didn't want to because it's nice having at least one person who's got REAL happy feelings in the group. 

Virtue's aura isn't that strong due to the negativity FARM that they've made in the inner core... but it is strong enough to make all of us feel happy. Which I guess is the idea. It doesn't affect Amity though; he's just happy himself. Everyone else's feelings are purely artificial and gone as soon as Virtue gets too far away. Virtue and Amity are a bit like drugs if I think about it. People constantly trying to get them; trying to take advantage over their happiness or aura in Virtue's case. Virtue himself was definitely not happy; annoyed as fuck he was and most-likely plotting to kill me.

I could see it in his eyes while he glared at me, since he'd just caught on that I'd broken his hourglass thing. I don't even understand what was so important about some stupid hourglass.

"Virtue, I-"

"Finish that sentence and I will freeze you in time."


Shit, I hate it when he says that. Ever since we were labelled as the 'Bad Guys' we quickly decided to take that label and implement it into our 'work'. Sure, we were trying to be good and get our view across, but there was no fucking point. Plus, we wanted this war thing to go on because it meant we weren't going to die as quickly... which is always a positive. He didn't have to phrase it like that though. 'Freeze you in time' - what is this Doctor Who? Nah, he didn't mean it like that though... he meant to literally freeze me; but not in ice, in stone instead. 

"You know I hate it when someone messes with my things."  - Virtue almost purrs whilst locking his eyelights with mine, drawing his face so close that I can feel his warm 'breath' on my 'face'. That's unexpected. I could feel my 'face heating up'; I could even see it, since Virtue's face was now glowing yellow from my blush reflecting on his 'face'. 

"PFFFT- HAaHha- Your such a... err what's the word...?"

"Simp?" Complex interjects; his 'eyes closed' and his legs crossed on top of the table. He was now high-fiving the air (but also waving his arm about like he couldn't reach the other person's hand because they were moving) which I guess was Trap laughing his ass off.

"HAhaHAH Yes! Simp! Oh god... Exposure do you really think I'd think of us like that?" Virtue exclaims, his voice full of humour before he says 'Exposure'. The rest of his sentence; or question rather, was serious and his humour was fading.

"... Of course not. Anyway..." He gets up and pulls away from me; I can just feel my soul shatter. That's not fair, because shattering souls is my job. 

I bet my face must of given away a bit too much of my 'sadness' from that line that Virtue said, since Complex was now looking at me with a tiny hint of regret... like he felt bad for me?

... I don't need people to feel bad for me. I gave him a 'shut the fuck up' look before basically gliding out of the room. I swear to god I'm going to kill Gloom for being the reason why 'sadness' is a thing, because 'sadness' really pisses me off. 

"Fuck life... fuck happiness... fuck sadness... fuck Virtue..." I muttered; I'll have to admit however... that I did blush a bit at the last one.


Poor Exposure/Error :/ 

[784 words]

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