Chapter 8 - GLOOM'S DREAM

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[Note: This is the pathway to the first bad ending. There will be about 2-4 chapters for each pathway. This pathway is called... well, 'Gloom's Dream'. It will follow the original plot the story was meant to take when the story was only Nightberry and a bit of Dreamberry. Now, however, there are several endings with several outcomes.] 

All Canon Endings (feel free to imagine your own endings!):

* Gloom's Dream - WORST ENDING

* Virtue's Nightmare - BAD ENDING 1

* Amity's Sanity - BAD ENDING 2

* Amity's Insanity - BAD ENDING 3

* Fatality's Flaws - GOOD ENDING 1

* Doubt's Future - GOOD ENDING 2

* The Three Brothers United - BEST ENDING

(They get better ^^)

Gloom - Bold + "" (Although he doesn't really talk)

Amity - Normal + ""

(Small TW: There are a bit of 'pervy' moments in this chapter - I did warn you that this story is a bit mature - it's not the worse though ^^)

[Gloom's POV]

It took about 5 hours of waiting, but I managed to get Amity alone. He was already asleep by the time I went into the room, so my job would be easy. Doubt and that psychopath didn't leave for ages - they just kept staring at Amity like creeps. Sure, I liked to do that too but that's not the point.

I'm beyond the whole 'feelings are crap' thing. I mean, most of them are but I've finally realised why I'm so drawn to Amity.

There's a couple of reasons... the first and probably the biggest is his aura. I knew it affected 'feeling' Guardians more than other Guardians, but I didn't expect it to be quite that compelling... quite that... tempting. It was like being a magnet attracted to a fridge or something like that. Or a lion tempted by a lamb. That was probably the fairest analogy... I was something of a beast compared to little Amity.

Another reason, and possibly the best excuse I have for hurting him before, was the fact that he was so perfect. Not a scratch on any of his bones. His soul is pristine and perfectly white. So white, you'd have never had saw it in that wretched place that Exposure's counterpart lived in.

I could feel my tongue (?) curl in my mouth as I watched him wince in his sleep.

He always felt pain when he touched me.

Guardians of feelings, whatever they might be, often did feel pain from me.

The Guardians of Feelings were all very much more sensitive to emotions than others. And me, my... current image... the sludge that writhed and twisted... that acted as my body - it had a past of pain. I remember when We were wondering if We should split.

Before the first spirit war, Virtue and I were not separate spirits. We were one - the Spirit of Feelings. The ultimate one I should say. We were named 'Nim'. When We split, however, We changed. For the worse. We grew distant. We grew tired of each other. Our love for each other died and We thought of each other as enemies.

Sometimes I wished we were together again. The small part of 'Nim' that was still with me did not like what I had become. Of course, we were not the same person. I was more like a parasite - a tumor perhaps. A tumor on steroids.

Now, I was in control. And I liked it.

It meant I got to choose what happened. And right now, I was exceptionally 'pleased'.

Curling my fingers around Amity's ribs, I chuckled when he whimpered in his sleep. It wasn't the kind of whimper I was looking for, it was more of a whimper of pain.

I could tell. His in his dream - no, in his nightmare... he was screaming. Screaming in agony that his ribs were shattering

And I loved it.

I knew it was a poor excuse, but I couldn't help but feel delighted at his pain - I mean, this is how I'm meant to feel.

I did feel something for him though. I was generally, I guess you could say... in love. Perhaps not quite, but there was certainly some kind of attraction. He was certainly something to look at.

I knew he'd never like me back, especially in the way I wanted him to. So there was no point in trying to fall more in love with him - if it was all going to be for nothing. Which made my gloop boil in anger.

No one ever liked me, did they?

I mean... the villages knew I was dangerous, so they often avoided me if possible but I knew, I watched my spirit's counterpart suffer. He was normal. He was 'passive'.

He was almost like Amity and they took it away from him. I was pleased when the apple took over and killed them for him. He may not have liked it, but I certainly did. I was proud, almost, of my counterpart. The apple. The corruption. He did well.

I looked back down at Amity. He would never love me. I should just kill him... get it over with. I could probably force him to... force him to... no. I may be evil but I am not that evil.


But the apple is...

I could... I could do that...

If I did, Amity would be mine. His soul, his love, his mind... and his body.

I could do whatever I wanted... I'd be in control.

I licked my teeth. God, I'm such a perv.

I am quite terrible.

Amity suddenly cuddles up to me, despite the pain.

He speaks - his voice is a lot deeper than usual because of him being tired still, despite being asleep - it really gets to me...


I twitch, my tentacles thrashing around wildly.

Why was he saying my name...? Is it because of the pain? Does he know I cause him pain like that?

Does he expect me to hurt him?

I don't doubt that he does...

But even though he probably didn't mean it the way I took it, I still almost squealed in delight.

He'd made me so childish...

He was quite childish himself. I doubt he's ever done anything... like... what I'd like to do with him.

I took a mental note of that when I stood up and turned to leave, growling silently. Doubt and Fatality came back. And like I'd predicted, there was an aura of... lust... not from them doing anything of course. It seemed their feelings were for Amity, just like mine. They didn't act on them, thankfully for them. Since I didn't know if I could take it anymore. I just wanted to kill them... rip them apart.

I wouldn't though - it would upset Amity. As much as I loved his sadness, it would do no good for my whole wanting-him-to-love-me-shit. I sighed silently, before making my way to the garden.

Sure, he sort of enjoyed my company. Sure, I could probably get him to love me eventually.

But I couldn't wait.

I looked at the tree that bore one apple. It was black - the blackest of blacks.

When I approached it, I could see the ghosts already. They surrounded me - they told me I was pathetic. I listened and hummed to myself. I loved their hate.

They told me that Amity could hear them, but I wasn't paying attention.

I took the apple.

One way or another I was going to make Amity eat it.

And then I would finally be in control.

And we'd be... 'happy'.


[WORDS: 1239]

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