The Beginning (prologue?)

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Long ago, a group of spirits travelled the very means of existence; searching the vast multiverses in search of a home. Each of them possessed an Element in their 'SOUL', which were slowly dying due to being without purpose for so long. There were six of them in total, the Spirit of: Creation, Destruction, Light, Dark, War and Peace. The spirit of Creation grew tired of the lack of life in their desolate struggle for a home; so they then used their Element to create a Universe, which they hoped the other Spirits would help. However, despite Creation's desperate explanation, only two of the Spirits agreed to help them. The Spirits of Dark and War. The Spirits of Light and Peace wanted to find creatures for them to grow to love, not to create them. The last Spirit, Spirit of Destruction, was in rage at Creation's Universe, for it held no type of balance at all.

The six Spirits eventually agreed to stay in the Universe... however, they also agreed that the two sides which had unintentionally formed would go against each other. This would form Balance, and to the Spirit of Peace's advantage, peace. The Universe lived in harmony for around a thousand years until another argument blossomed between the Spirits. The Spirit of Peace was desperate for the agreement to work, so they made a proposition. They said that they should instead, create actual lifeforms to live in the Universe, for there were only plants beforehand. These life forms would be ruled and protected by Guardians, these Guardians would be created from the Elements within the Spirits. The Spirit of Peace believed that a limited, but still extended, life would make the Spirits less likely to argue again. The others agreed and each Spirit created a Guardian.

Despite there being only six Spirits, there were a total of ten Guardians, due to the Spirits of War and Peace making an agreement in which each would make a Guardian each as well as two 'Demi-Guardians'. The two Spirits split their souls into three and went through with the agreement to share their powers equally.

It had been hundreds of years since the Guardians were created; Peace and Harmony remained true. The two sides fought and the Balance was kept. However, a sense of dread polluted the Universe and minds of the living.

Something terrible was waiting to happen...

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