Chapter 0$4.£%5 - G0D g1V3 m£ a BR3£aK (flashback)

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[Flashback + a 'lore' reveal if you can spot it - if you can't all will be explained when we meet Dye and everyone else for the first time. After that we will pay Exposure, Virtue, Trap and Complex a visit before we start going to the next big characters and the next side story. This project is a bit big - if you can piece any kind of storyline together or reveal any 'lore' I am proud!] 

[☺☜⬧' ❍⚐❍'s POV] (haha get the wingdings translators out dudes.)

The amount of time we'd been here was nauseating; the chugging of the machines drowned out my daughter's cries of anguish - she'd been in pain since we'd got here and they were doing nothing to help her. Those horrid ⬧&☜●☜⧫□■⬧, they took my daughter and bought her back barely holding onto life. I thought they were good, I thought they wanted to help us - but they are nothing but liars and they are full of disgusting deceit.

My daughter's forlorn cries of agony ripped through me, echoing mine; or perhaps mirroring it. Is this what the knowledge of inevitable loss felt like?

Eventually, after hours of screaming, she grew tired of her pain; her crying... and the life inside of her left her eyes. My perfect baby girl. Her curls of blond and her striking green eyes; now forever lost because of politics.

Politics that promised me something they weren't keen on giving; my daughter's safety.

I was the mother of a brilliant child but now she's gone.

Is this what loss feels like?

She was so scared as well; scared of their touch. What did they do to her? WHY?! WHY HER?!

"WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY?!" I screamed - my daughter's past pain is now present in my voice. I screamed and screeched until my everything went numb and so did the need to care.

"Why my daughter?"

"Because that's how it's supposed to be."

"Everyone loses something, but now you get to look forward to what you can gain!"

"Now, little subject, you can see the joy of my Creations without having to care anymore! Like me! See! We are now equal!"

"I feel so empty... what is this? What do I feel?"

Something is patting my head; twiddling their boney hands in my hair.

"That's the wrong question hun... it shouldn't be: 'what do I feel?' - it should be: 'what do I NOT feel?'"

"HAHA HAH HAHAH AHAHA!!!" They laugh, quite maniacally - but they're laugh is laced with pain too.. 

I watch as the person walks out of the room, but I don't care. They took away my daughter, but I don't care - not anymore.

I don't feel anything, not even when I realise that there's also a machine that's plugged to me.

The machines are always a couple of minutes late.


But I didn't care.

[WORDS: 510]

[Yes - I did promise we'd see Dye next chapter, but this is only a flashback for the person who's POV this minichapter is in. AND YES the chapter's name is important!]

Perhaps we did see Dye though?

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