I decided to make him have actual nice shoes.
Oct 28* I am so fucking nervous. I probably shouldn't bind so I can wear my binder when George is here.
*Oct 29* I need to figure out how I am going to get George to recognize me at the airport.
*Oct 30* Oh I need to buy Patches' Halloween costume. Maybe a pumpkin outfit that would be cute.
*Oct. 31* George is coming tomorrow but I need to take those Pumpkin Patches pictures. Oh, he is coming over tomorrow. Oh shit! I forgot a present I needed to go and buy that.
Clay picked up his phone and called the nearby bakery. "Hello?" Clay asked, "Can I get a cake that says, Happy Birthday Georgie!"
Finally, everything was perfect for tomorrow except for his car. Clay had a Jeep and it was currently a wreck. He grabbed his vacuum and began to clean the crumbs and dust out of his car. When he was finally done Clay went inside and cleaned up a small bit and then went to bed.
Tomorrow I see George and tomorrow I get to really meet my best friend.
*Nov. 1* George's flight is coming in at 1:30pm today so I need to lay out my clothes.
Clay pulled out his best binder and pulled on his green Dream smile shirt and a pair of jeans. "Patches, what shoes should I wear today," Clay asked. Patches purred up against Clay's leg and began to play with the laces on Clay's Jordan 1 Mid Pine Green Nikes.
"You're right I love those too," Clay said while putting them with the rest of his clothes.
Ok I just need to breathe and pick up my best friend who has never seen me. Of fuck he hasn't seen me.
Clay pulled out his phone and his lock screen was a picture of when George and he won MCCs. Clay pulled open his texts and texted George.
Hey Georgie!
<3 Georgie <3
Hey Clay! I am getting on the plane. What's up?
So when I see you I will ask you
What is Sapnap's best nickname?
<3 Georgie <3
Oh ok, SnapMap got it!
See you in 9 hours.
Love you!
Say it back :(
<3 Georgie <3
Stop <3
Clay needed to sleep before George came but he was just too excited and nervous.
*7 hours later* Clay finished playing a speedrun and started getting ready. He pulled on his binder and looked at himself in the mirror.
Ok good looking flat.
Dream put on his shoes and opened his door. "Ok Patches I am going to drive to the airport now ok," Clay called out. Clay hopped in his newly cleaned car and started driving to the airport.
Oh my god, I am about to meet George.
The airport was busy but Clay found a great parking place and pulled in quickly before it got snatched up. Clay pulled up his hood just in case anyone other than George connected the dots together and recognized him.

Am I Yours? Dream x George Fanfic
FanficClay was hiding from everyone he cared about. Was he too femme? How could he come out to his best friend? Why was being trans so hard?