Sorry about the wait. School got really busy. I love this chapter so much. It was fun but hard to write :)
The silver handle twisted and George saw Dream's tear-stained face through the crack. George pushed the rest of the door open and hugged Dream as tight as he could. He only reached Dream's shoulder but it didn't matter.
"George," Dream whispered and George could feel Dream's warm breath on his hair. "Dream," George mumbled into Dream's chest, "I love you." George could hear Dream start crying again and George started to tear up too. Dream pushed George away a little and looked at him tears running down his cheeks. George reached up and wiped the tears from the corners of Dream's eyes. "Hey it's ok," George whispered sweetly, taking Dream's hand, "I would never hate you. I just wish I didn't find out this way." Dream sat on his bed taking George with him. "I was going to tell you, I swear. I just didn't have the courage to tell you," Dream said his voice cracking a little. I just don't know what to do. All I want to do is tell him that everything is going to be ok but I can't promise that. "Dream. Look at me," George said lightly squeezing Dream's hand, "You are perfect the way you are. You are one of the bravest people I know and the fact that you didn't tell me isn't your fault." George smiled at Dream and Dream gave a weak half-smile back.
Dream started to breathe heavily and George put his arm around Dream's back. George started to rub Dream's back in small circles until his breathing slowed. "So I feel like I should come out the way I want to," Dream said and George nodded, "George, I haven't always been Clay. At birth, I was given the name Chloe and I was legally a woman. As I grew older I realized this binary didn't fit me and I began to transition to Clay. After I came out to my mom I created the T-Money jar. Eventually, I saved enough money to buy testosterone and I began my full transition to being a man. I am so sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I am out to almost no one and I thought maybe you would look at me differently if you knew my past. I should have known you would love me no matter who I was." He thought I would look at him differently. He is the same man I fell in... No. I am not in love with him. I like him as a friend. Yes, a friend. My best friend. George looked up at Dream whose cheeks were still tear-stained and said, "You are still the same person no matter what your gender is. I love you and nothing will ever change that I promise Clay."
Dream collapsed back on the bed with a sigh. "You don't know how long I have stressed over this. How long I have wanted to tell you," he said looking up at the ceiling. George laughed a little while looking around the room for the first time. "I'm glad you told me," George smiled, "Now is this your childhood bedroom?" Dream laughed a little and nodded slightly as George stood up to look around. There were posters hanging on nearly every wall most of them were Minecraft-related but some were about music. There were pictures of Dream when he was younger with what George assumed were friends. George also saw a picture of himself sitting on Dream's desk. "Dream," George said playfully, "Why is my picture on your desk?" Dream sat up face bright red and tried to get over to George. Dream snatched the picture straight out of George's hands from over his head. "Uh, that's mine. Yep," Dream stuttered out. George giggled and turned around to look at Dream.
Dream was so close to George he could practically feel Dream's body heat radiating off of him. George looked up and saw Dream staring at the pictures in his hands rubbing it slightly. What in the world is he doing? "Hey," George said softly, "Hey Dream. It's okay." Dream continued to rub the picture, not making a single noise but he kept rubbing faster and faster. George kept repeating Dream's name but it was as if he wasn't even there. What should I do? George didn't know what else to do but grab Dream's hands but he didn't let go. Okay then I guess I am going to have to do this. "Dream," George exclaimed using both of his hands to make Dream look at him. Dream's eyes were frantic and wild but George tried to stay calm to not freak him out more. "Hey. I am right here Clay. I am here with you," George said softly stroking Dream's jaw. Dream nodded slowly and leaned into George's touch. They stayed like that for a couple minutes until Dream had fully calmed down.
"Can we go home," Dream said softly resting his head on George's shoulder. "Of course Dreamie," George said messing with Dream's wavy hair. Dream grabbed George's hand and pulled him out of his room. "Woah slow down there," George said laughing, "We still have to say goodbye to your mom." "Do we have to though? I am sure she understands," Dream whined. We don't have to but since we missed dinner it might be a good idea. If Dream really wants to leave then I am totally okay with that. George didn't say anything as Dream snuck them out the front door and led them to the car. Dream let go off George's hand and jumped into the car. George hesitantly opened his door and climbed in slowly. Why does he want to leave so badly? I get that it would be a little awkward to talk to his family but I am still hungry. "Dream," George whined, "I'm hungry still. I barely ate, can we get food?"
Dream smiled as he pulled up to a local pizza place. "I hope you like pizza," Dream said, getting out of the car. George nodded lightly and walked around to the front of the car. Dream took George's hand and walked into the brightly lit shop. George didn't normally eat pizza so he let Dream order for him. Why are we still holding hands? Normally he stops once we go outside his house or car. "Hey Clay, how's it going dude," the tall guy behind the counter exclaimed. "Good man. I am good," Dream responded, "Can I just get the usual." George smiled as Dream continued to talk to Alex. At least that's what it says on the name tag. "So Clay... I see you brought a friend tonight," Alex said peering over the counter, "Is this your boyfriend?" Dream suddenly let go of George's hand and turned away. He could see the tops of Dream's ears turn a light red. "No. Alex this is George he is visiting from England," Dream said in a higher tone than usual.

Am I Yours? Dream x George Fanfic
FanfictionClay was hiding from everyone he cared about. Was he too femme? How could he come out to his best friend? Why was being trans so hard?