Chapter 15: Dream

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"Hey sleepyhead," Dream said sweetly. George's hair was standing up and Dream's sweatshirt covered his hands. "Hey. Why are you in here," George asked with a yawn. So he doesn't remember anything about last night. "Ummm it's my room Georgie," Dream giggled. George sat up abruptly and looked around face turning bright red. George tried to play it off by petting Patches and leaving to use the restroom. Dream laughed and shut his game down to go make breakfast. Shit, I have like no food. Guess we are having toast or cereal. Dream poured himself some cereal and sat down at the bar. He moved the small sweet cheerios around in his bowl. Dang how long does it take for George to use the restroom. 

Finally, George came out and poured himself some FrootLoops. "So how much damage did the hurricane do," George asked, sounding a little disoriented. Dream hadn't checked the news yet but from what he had seen from his window not much. "I don't know but it didn't look like much. We will still be able to go to my mom's tonight," Dream said happily. "I totally forgot about meeting your family. I don't even have any nice clothes," George said nervously. Dream totally forgot about formalities but George probably just needed jeans or something. "Do you have any jeans or anything," Dream asked? George nodded and then said, "Dream all my clothes are at the hotel. We need to go get them before tonight."

Dream and George got in the Jeep and started to back out of the driveway. The sky was surprisingly clear and the roads had a couple of branches on them but nothing Dream couldn't handle. There weren't many people out and about but that wasn't surprising. They got to the embassy in record time. George pulled out his key and opened his room. Dream saw the open suitcase on the ground and some clothes scattered about. "How are you this messy? You were only here one night," Dream asked, cleaning some of George's clothes off the ground. George rubbed the back of his neck and shrugged, "What can I say I am a very messy person." Obviously. Dream continued to look through the suitcase for a pair of pants. 

What if he just stayed with me? We could just take the entire suitcase back and look through it at home. "Hey George," Dream said. "Yeah," George said, still looking through the suitcase. Here is my shot. Don't mess up. "Do you, I don't know, want to stay at my place," Dream said quickly, "We already have your room set up and then I won't have to drive out here all the time." George stopped packing suddenly and looked up at Dream. Shit, he is creeped out. He doesn't want to stay with me. That was really selfish of me to ask. I just feel more comfortable having him at the house, maybe he's uncomfortable being at my house.

"Are you being serious?" George asked. Fuck he's mad at me. Stupid Clay you knew this was a bad idea. "Yeah," Dream said meekly. Don't get upset. Stay calm being upset makes you seem femme. "I would love to stay with you," George exclaimed hugging Dream, "Why is your heart beating so fast?" "I was worried you didn't want to stay with me and that I had overstepped," Dream responded, resting his chin on George's head. He did want to stay with me. I was stressing over nothing. Why was I so worried in the first place? "Why do you have to be so tall," George sighed, pulling away from Dream and looking up. Dream laughed and picked up George's suitcase. "Let's go, Georgie," Dream smiled, grabbing his hand. They walked down to the car and George hopped in the front seat. Dream smiled as he put George's suitcase into the trunk.

They drove home talking about what they hoped was for dinner. Dream suspected it was lasagna but George thought it was going to be casserole. "I think I know my own mother," Dream fired back. "Yes, probably but you never know. Maybe she likes to make casserole more than lasagna," George said. Dream laughed who has preferences on cooking. "You are ridiculous Georgie," Dream sighed ruffling George's hair. George smiled and patted down his hair, "I might be ridiculous but you love me anyway." He makes a good point. Love... Yeah, I do love him but like in the normal friend way. Right? He looked over at George sitting in the sun smiling broadly at him. There was a dusting of pink on his cheeks and his chestnut brown hair seemed to glow in the sun. "Dream. Are you blushing," George giggled. Why does he have to be so pretty? "No," Dream said, quickly focusing back on the traffic light.

"Patches," George called out as Dream opened the door. Patches walked up to George and rubbed up against his leg. "Did you miss me, baby," George cooed. Dream rolled his eyes and walked to the guest room to drop George's bag. Of course, Patches likes George more than me. I mean honestly who wouldn't. George is funny, kind, and adorable while I am a mystery. Why does George even put up with me? He could be best friends with anyone he wanted. He could be with anyone he wanted. Would he ever want to be with me? No, I would need to fix everything about myself. I would need to come out and be honest with him. "Georgie," Dream called out, walking into the living room. George had found some of Patches toys and was playing with the cat on the ground in front of Dream's front door. "Nevermind," Dream muttered moving towards George and Patches.

Last part of Dream POV we finally get to see what happens to George!!!

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