After carrying George in, Dream began to prep for dinner. I should probably take my binder off. I will put it on whenever George wakes up. Dream changed and sat on the couch for a couple minutes. About an hour later Dream started to get ready for dinner. He put on his binder and started to boil the water. He was almost done when George walked out of his room. George looked tired and his hair was standing up in about 5 different places. Fuck. He is so cute right now. I am totally blushing right now but how could you not. "Mmmmmm. Wow that smells so good," George sighed from behind him. Dream could barely hear anything George was saying so instead he said, "Hey. I just carried you in so you could sleep. I hope that's ok." Why did you have to say that Clay? He just woke up; he doesn't need to know you carried him in. Dream turned away quickly and went back to stirring the pasta. ""Yeah," George started and so Dream turned back around to face him, "Thank you I really need more sleep," George replied, rubbing his hair down.
Dream was disappointed he liked sleepy George he was adorable. Dream felt the awkward vibe in the room and he felt like he needed to say something. "I hope you like pasta. It's like one of the only things I know how to make so," Dream said trailing off at the end. That was super awkward. George laughed a little "Pasta is great thanks for making dinner. You will have to teach me sometime because I don't know how to make anything," he finished quickly. George moved towards the bar and sat in one of the chairs. Ok. Focus on cooking Clay. It has to be perfect. It's for George it has to be absolutely amazing.
Finally the pasta was ready and Dream laid out the garnishes. Dinner was ready and he hoped George loved it because he had put so much effort into it. "Dinner is served," Dream said with a bow. Why did I do that with a bow? That probably looked stupid. George's stomach growled loudly from across the bar but he still didn't start eating. "I have parmesan cheese and meat sauce if you don't want plain pasta," Dream said. Dream took his pasta and piled on some meat sauce. He sat down and almost started eating when he noticed George just staring at his food. "You are supposed to eat it you know not just stare at it," Dream laughed.
George rubbed the back of his neck and laughed nervously, "Yeah, I know it's just been so long since I have eaten with someone else. After my mom kicked me out I guess." Dream felt sad he couldn't imagine how that would feel. He loved his mother and being kicked out would have destroyed him. "George I'm sorry but you are here now and she is 5,000 miles away. I promise you won't have to eat alone ok," he said. George nodded and sighed. I hate to see him like this but my family and I are close. I wish I could hug him but we are sitting next to each other.
George poured some cheese on his pasta and Dream watched in anticipation as he took his first bite. "Ok now you have to tell me what you think," Dream said. I really hope he likes it. George looked at Dream and then ate some of the pasta. "Woah this is like so good Dreamie," George said happily, "I didn't know you cooked." Oh thank God he liked it. Why was I so nervous? Dream laughed, "I don't. I took the time tonight so I could cook something edible for you. I usually just head over to my mom's place or make a grilled cheese or something that takes less time." With that comment George turned a little red and continued to eat.
After they were finished eating Dream had to take George to the Embassy. He grabbed George's bags and met him in the car. He got buckled and turned on the car while George looked out the window. "So the hotel is about 30 minutes away. So if you need anything just feel free to call," Dream said while he backed out of the driveway. Why didn't he say anything was that overstepping? He's probably just tired. Right? Dream had to focus on the road but George just stared out the window the whole time. The drive went by slowly but eventually, they came up to the Embassy Suites. "Ok, I have to get home," Dream said, dropping George's bag off at George's new room. Should I like hug him? That's a bad idea but I could really use one. "Come here Georgie," Dream said, pulling the small boy into a hug. George snuggled into Dream and Dream just wanted this moment to last forever. Unfortunately, he still had to sleep and more importantly take his binder off so he could bind tomorrow. "Georgie I have to go now. I actually need sleep and Patches still needs food," Dream said, pulling away quickly and rubbing his neck. You remember how to walk. Don't think about George's sad little face as you pulled away from the hug.
When Dream got to his car he made sure no one was around and he maneuvered out of his binder under his sweatshirt. "Finally..." Dream sighed, breathing never felt so good after binding for so long. The digital clock in his car read 10:56pm as Dream backed out of the parking lot. How did it get so fricken late? I really need to sleep. When Dream got home he changed and collapsed in his bed. Patches meowed loudly, obviously annoyed that Dream hadn't fed her. "Really Patches. I need sleep," Dream whined. Patches looked pathetic and continued to stare at him until Dream folded. "Fine," Dream said dramatically getting out of bed. He put some food in her bowl and watched as she ate it. "I hope you are happy now because I am going to bed before you can get me up again," Dream said walking into his room. Woah my bed smells like George. He pulled on his sheets and he fell into a peaceful sleep for the first time in months.
*BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP* Shit I am going to be late to pick up George. Dream slipped on a binder and some clothes he found messily stacked in his shelves. He was putting on his shoes as he slid out the door.

Am I Yours? Dream x George Fanfic
FanfictionClay was hiding from everyone he cared about. Was he too femme? How could he come out to his best friend? Why was being trans so hard?