"SUSHI," George exclaimed, "We had that one stream where you said you had never had sushi and that we had to eat some together." Dream laughed, "I can't believe you remember that. I will order some right now. I think there is a Japan Inn down the street." I am so glad he remembered that because I would have never brought it up again. Dream looked at George's confused face and smiled. Dream pulled out his phone and went to where he had saved the number. Dream walked out of the guest room while calling the food place. He walked into his room and ordered whatever the lady recommended. "Thank yo..." Dream said but his words died out due to the immense pain in his chest. Fuck I need to take my binder off. Dream hung up and ran to his closet and searched through to find a tight sports bra. This was what I was afraid of. Why did the hurricane have to happen while he was here? It's going to be fine Clay. Just breathe.
Dream tried to compose himself as he went into the living room. George was sitting on the couch watching one of his favorite shows. "Are you watching Parks and Rec? I love that show." Dream collapsed onto the couch with George. George nodded while the theme song began to play. *Parks and Rec Theme Song* Dream was so focused on watching the show he didn't even notice the rain had started outside. George was sitting so far away but Dream didn't dare move closer. *BOOM* "AHhh," George screamed all of a sudden. Dream jumped, "Georgie are you ok?" Is he ok? Is he scared of thunder? "U-ummm yeah yeah yeah yeah," George stuttered, "I am just I guess I am just a little scared of thunder." George blushed with embarrassment. I really didn't want him to get any closer while I am not wearing my binder but I don't want him to be scared. Dream decided to move closer until he was sitting right next to George. Dream was worried about George who was violently shaking. "Awww, George. It's ok you can stay close to me if you want. I have been through plenty of hurricanes," Dream said.
George began to cuddle into Dream's chest. Frick he's going to notice my chest. I need to say something to distract him. "Are you cold Gogy?" Dream asked looking down at George. "I mean yeah a little bit but you are so warm," George said quickly. Dream turned bright red and looked in the other direction. Oh god, what is this feeling? George is just my friend. George continued to watch Leslie make a funeral for a miniature pony and Dream turned back to watch. Dream moved his arm around the back of George's shoulder. They sat like that until the doorbell rang. Dream moved his arm quickly and got up to get to the door. The delivery man ran back to his car through the rain. "Thanks," Dream called out, finishing up his payment on his phone.
There was another burst of thunder and Dream turned to look at George. George looked a little scared but he was not shaking as much. "Come on George," Dream said, walking into the kitchen. Dream laid out the spread of sushi and an array of sauces that went with them. He had no idea what things went with what. They ate in amiable silence and Dream enjoyed the sushi. Dream noticed every time it thundered George would flinch a little bit but he was trying to cover it up. What should I say this is getting awkward? "Georgie you weren't kidding about the sushi, this is good," Dream said, "We should actually go out to eat this next time. I mean if you want to." Ok, that was the wrong thing to say. I am such an idiot. George nodded his head, blushing, "I would like that Dreamie." Oh, thank god. I thought I fucked up big and he is still going with that nickname. Dream didn't realize how long he had been staring until George spoke up. "Hey," George started, "Do you want to go watch TV again or maybe play Minecraft? I saw your console on the table." Dream forgot to say anything and just started walking over to the TV. "Yay. Just to warn you I have only played PS4 Minecraft once so you will have to help me," George said happily. "Of course Georgie. It isn't too hard so you should pick it up pretty fast," Dream said while putting in the disk.
All of a sudden there was a loud boom and Dream heard George scream. Dream felt George's hands grip his arm. Dream looked down and saw George violently shaking and gripping his arm. "George. George it's going to be okay I am right here. I've got you ok," Dream said softly. George's breathing slowed down a little but Dream could tell he was still a little scared. Dream wrapped his arms around George and George nestled into his shoulder. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be so scared it's just noise," George said into Dream's sweatshirt so quietly Dream had trouble understanding him. Dream stroked George's hair, "It's ok. I get it. I am scared of things too." George looked up at Dream, "You are scared of things? Like what?" Well, lots of things but things you can't know about. Dream replied, "I have been scared of heights almost my whole life. Whenever I get up high I get really nervous and can't breathe easily." I hope that was convincing enough. I am scared of heights but I am scared of so many other things.
Dream didn't want to pressure George into staying up when he was this scared. "We don't have to play tonight if you just want to go to bed," Dream said softly."Yeah, can I just go to bed?" George said quietly. Dream thought he sounded sad but he was just worried about George. "Sure Georgie I will clean up the food and get you some clothes," Dream sighed. George didn't get up but Dream went to go throw away the take-out trash and went into his room. He grabbed one of his sweatshirts and a pair of his shorts. There is no way he is fitting in these but I will give him the option. "Ok so I found a hoodie but I honestly don't think you would fit into my shorts," Dream said, giving George a stack of clothes. "You can use my bathroom to change if you want," Dream said, pointing into his room. George nodded and headed into Dream's room looking a little lost. This isn't weird. Dream reassured himself. I have to call my mom about dinner. I already promised George that he could meet Drista. Dream pulled out his phone and dialed his Mom.
"Hey Mom," Dream said.
"Clay is that you?" his mom replied.
"Yeah, Mom it's me. My friend is visiting and I was wondering if we could have like a family dinner so he can meet everyone."
There was a long pause but then his mom responded, "I mean sure. Where is he from? Is it that George person?"
"Yes. Mom, he's from the UK," Dream responded.
"Oh is he your boyfriend," his Mom said in a child-like tone.
"No Mom he isn't my boyfriend he's just my best friend," Dream sighed blushing a little.
"Last question, do I need to know about any dietary restrictions," his Mom said eagerly.
"No, he doesn't have any dietary restrictions," Dream smiled.
"I know I said that was the last question but does he know your trans," his Mom said nervously. "No," Dream said, obviously a little annoyed.
Dream saw out of the corner of his eye George was waving at him. Dream could only give a half-smile back. "Ok well, goodnight Clay. I look forward to seeing you and George tomorrow. I love you," his mother said hanging up. "Of course Mom. I love you too. Ok goodnight," Dream said.
This chapter is going to be split into 3 parts because it is so long :)

Am I Yours? Dream x George Fanfic
FanfictionClay was hiding from everyone he cared about. Was he too femme? How could he come out to his best friend? Why was being trans so hard?