Sorry for the late update! I was on vacation :)
George groaned and wished he could just snuggle into the soft grey blanket that was now covering him. I am going to have to wake up. I really want to sleep more. "Hey sleepyhead," George heard Dream say from across the room. George looked up and saw Dream smiling softly at him. Dream's hair was slightly ruffled and his computer was on and it looked like he was speedrunning. Dream's sweatshirt covered George's hands and he flattened his hair down. Where am I? Why is Dream in my room? "Hey. Why are you in here," George asked with a yawn. "Ummm it's my room Georgie," Dream giggled. George sat up abruptly and rubbed his eyes into focus. He looked around, it really was his room.
I need to stay cool. Patches in next to me I will just pet her. Great plan. George was petting Patches and making her start to purr again. George needed to use the restroom and climbed out of Dream's bed and walked into his bathroom. That was the perfect excuse to get me out of that awkward situation. I should have just said something he probably thinks I am being weird now. What if I just hide in the bathroom? Would that be so bad? George looked at himself in the mirror, his cheeks were tinted pink and Dream's sweatshirt covered his hands. Dream's sweatshirt was still keeping his body warm and George felt safe in it. George used the restroom and looked at his phone a bit before walking into the kitchen.
George saw Dream sitting at the bar pushing around his cheerios. Of course, he likes Cheerios. George saw the FrootLoops on the counter and rushed over to get some. After pouring the cereal he sat down next to Dream with a pressing question on his mind. "So how much damage did the hurricane do," George asked curiously. "I don't know but it didn't look like much. We will still be able to go to my mom's tonight," Dream said happily. Oh right meeting his family. Do I need to dress up? I should anyway. It's my first time meeting them and I need to make a good impression. "I totally forgot about meeting your family. I don't even have any nice clothes," George said nervously. "Do you have any jeans or anything," Dream asked? George nodded remembering his clothes in the hotel room. "Dream all my clothes are at the hotel. We need to go get them before tonight," George said urgently.
Dream and George got in the Jeep and started to back out of the driveway. George looked up to the sky, it was so much clearer than Britain's and the road was surprisingly clear. There weren't many people out and about but George had expected it to be a slow day. They got to the embassy in record time. George walked to his room and pulled his key out of his pants pocket. He flicked on the lights and saw his suitcase on the ground by the dresser. Good, it's right where I left it. There were some clothes scattered around the room and George began to collect them"How are you this messy? You were only here one night," Dream exclaimed, beginning to clean the floor with George. George stood up, rubbed the back of his neck, and shrugged, "What can I say I am a very messy person." Dream rolled his eyes and continued to look through the suitcase for a pair of pants. This mess is just embarrassing. He probably thinks I am some sort of dysfunctional adult. Sighing George got the rest of the clothes off the floor into his suitcase.
"Hey George," Dream said. "Yeah," George said, looking through his suitcase for the jeans. "Do you, I don't know, want to stay at my place," Dream said quickly, "We already have your room set up and then I won't have to drive out here all the time." George stopped packing and looked up at Dream. Was he asking me to stay with him? Why? I am so messy and annoying with all of my fears. What do I say? Say something to George. He looks nervous. Does he really want me to stay with him? "Are you being serious?" George asked. That sounded so violent. I didn't mean to make it sound so mad. "Yeah," Dream said quietly. He actually wants me there. Is he just being nice or does he actually care? "I would love to stay with you," George exclaimed hugging Dream. "Why is your heart beating so fast?" George blurted.
"I was worried you didn't want to stay with me and that I had overstepped," Dream responded, resting his chin on George's head. Why was he worried? Of course, I want to stay with him. Also, why is he so frickin tall? "Why do you have to be so tall," George sighed, pulling away from Dream and looking up. Dream laughed and picked up George's suitcase. "Let's go, Georgie." Dream smiled and grabbed George's hand. George held on while Dream quickly walked to the car. George hopped in the front seat smiling wide. Dream put his clothes in the trunk and then started the car.
As they drove home George was talking about what he hoped was for dinner. Dream suspected it was lasagna but George thought it was going to be casserole. He is so cute when he's upset. "I think I know my own mother," Dream fired back. How am I supposed to oppose that? "Yes, probably but you never know. Maybe she likes to make casserole more than lasagna," George said. Dream laughed but not enough to wheeze and George was a little disappointed. "You are ridiculous Georgie," Dream sighed ruffling George's hair.
George was a little annoyed, smiled, and patted down his hair, "I might be ridiculous but you love me anyway." Why did I just say that? He doesn't love someone like me. I am not good enough for Dream. I love him so much but I almost never say it. Why did I have to say that? Dream was looking at George with glaring intensity. As George looked into Dream's emerald eyes he saw Dream's cheeks turn light pink. "Dream. Are you blushing," George taunted? "No," Dream said, quickly focusing back on the traffic light. I obviously overstepped. I need to stop saying stupid things.
Dream and George didn't talk the rest of the way to Dream's place. "Patches," George called out as Dream opened the door. Patches walked up to George and rubbed up against his leg. George sighed at least he hadn't screwed things up with Patches. "Did you miss me, baby," George cooed. George could see Dream roll his eyes out of his peripheral vision. Dream looked deep in thought as he went to George's new room. George absently played with the cat until he found some of her toys.
"Patches," George taunted, holding up the small mouse toy. "Georgie," Dream called out. George didn't even have time to process or respond before Dream started talking again. "Nevermind," Dream muttered, moving towards him and Patches. Ok, that was weird. I totally screwed things up by saying that I loved him. Dream plopped down onto the floor and picked up a string-like toy. George watched as Dream messed around with Patches making her jump for the toy and run around the room. Dream giggled and kept messing around with Patches without another care in the world. George sighed content to watch Dream mess around with his cat. Why is Dream so cute right now? With his giggles and he keeps having to push his hair out of his eyes. George was fully aware he was blushing but he didn't care.

Am I Yours? Dream x George Fanfic
FanfictionClay was hiding from everyone he cared about. Was he too femme? How could he come out to his best friend? Why was being trans so hard?