julia method and lucid dreaming method

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these methods i've found very powerful and relatively easy (same as raven but more successful for me) the lucid dreaming method is really really easy if you ever lucid dream and the julia method is really good for just a method when you're trying to shift.

again, disclaimer these methods are not mine nor do i claim the rights to the next paragraphs. these are from amino and unless the word is italicized and bolded it is not my work. 😁

Julia Method:

step one: meditate for five to ten minutes on its own

something that helped me a lot was using 5-10 guided meditations for mindfulness. it just gives you that extra relaxation and focused state before the method, which helps in the actual method as you'll be able to go deeper since you're already halfway in that state.

step two: switch to theta waves (or better yet, lambda or epsilon)

once the mini-meditation session is done, switch over to theta waves (outdated) now since this original method, it's been found out in the shifting community that lambda and epsilon waves are much stronger than theta. theta will induce a sleep awake state (mind awake, body asleep) which is ideal don't get me wrong, but lambda and epsilon will take it to a deeper state. it's like walking the line between death and life, it will take you to the void state. lambda is milder than epsilon but just as strong. epsilon will induce the strongest void state. now remember, I'm speaking from personal experience as I've tried all three - theta, lambda, and epsilon to shift and that was how it was for me. but you can experiment with them all on your own and find how it works/feels for you. if you are scared of being in a deep void state, it's better to stick to theta. it will still get the job done.

step three: repeat I am affirmations/induce a deeper state

now that we've switched to the waves, we don't start affirming to shift right away. you need to bring about a deeper state before doing that, a true mind awake/body asleep state or the vibrational stage.

I am affirmations -

"I am pure consciousness not attached to any reality"

"I am more than this physical body because I am more than physical matter"

or simply "I am" (this is what I do and it's very powerful)

now, if you're affirming I am affirmations such as the second one I listed above it's important to state **this** body rather than **my** body because if you use 'my' it affirms that you are in your current body.

first, do the I am affirmations until you feel symptoms and then switch to counting to 100

count backward or to 100 -

you can count backward from 100, or count to 100 by zero slowly. by the time you finish, you should be in an ideal state. if not, keep counting and you'll make it there. do it as many times/as long as you have to. some people just start over counting.

you'll know when your in the ideal state or when your body is asleep because you'll feel one of these things:


strong urges or itches to move (push through, ignore them)

your body moving by itself, such as small twitches

the last two stages are your body testing to see if you're truly asleep. as said, push through and ignore it.

step four: affirm to shift

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