methods and scripting

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hello everyone, this chapter will go a little more in depth about scripting because i posted a copy of a script but i don't think i explained it. this chapter will also talk about methods and different methods you can use. this is going to be a longer chapter than what i have previously posted.

a little more about scripting:
you have to remember that there are trillions of realities that already exist, and when you are shifting you aren't creating a new one you're simply going to one that is already there. the more you script, the more "filters" you're adding until you end up with just the one specific desired reality you want to shift to. there is a common misconception on tiktok that you are creating a reality and this is simply false. scripting really helps with visualization. you don't have to memorize it and you can write it on the computer or on paper.

methods - basics:
as i previously said, methods are how you get to your DR. i'm not going to be able to go through every method because there are SO MANY. i mean like a lot. like too many to name. you can also create methods so the list is pretty much infinite. i will, however, be describing the most common methods that i have heard have worked the most. methods just make it easier to shift and you can also combine methods which I will explain later. i will list the methods starting with the ones that you guys have probably heard of. again, if you don't see a method on here that you want to know about just let me know.

- i also recommended listening to subliminals when you are shifting unless the method requires specific music because subliminals are really relaxing and help with detachment.

method 1 - the pillow method
this one is like probably the simplest and most basic method out of all of them. you - i kid you not- put your script under your pillow, visualize, and then fall asleep. when you wake up you should be in your dr. this method is usually paired with other methods to make it stronger.

method 2 - the raven method
okay there like 20 different versions of this method but they all have the same premise: lay on your back in a starfish position (HAS TO BE STARFISH) with none of your limbs touching each other. count from 0-100 while repeating affirmations and visualizing your dr. you absolutely positively HAVE to be half asleep during this or it won't work as well. once you reach 100 you fall asleep and should wake up in your dr. if you get to 100 and you either a) don't feel any symptoms of shifting (twitching, temperature change, white light, hearing sounds/ smelling, etc.) or b) aren't tired enough to fall asleep you can restart from 1 or keep counting until you are ready. this method is good to pair with the pillow method.

i will be covering the estelle method, the sunni method, the alice in wonderland method, and the elevator methods in another chapter.

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