Jacob Black X M! Reader Pt2

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There it is- long awaited part two.

Enjoy 🤔

After what Sam said, Jacob bolted out of his room to room that still belong to (Y/N). To his suprise there was much more things than he though will be. His old bed in the corner, old photos of the pack on the walls, his favourite button up shirt on a (F/C) chair he always sat after school and do his homework, that fluffy blanket he covered everyone that fell asleep on the couch even if they were hot enough not to get sick by cold wind- he cared about everyone.. but he cared for one trublemaker the most- him.

Now it hit him....

(Y/N) was a wolfshifter long before he was... It ment (Y/N) imprinted on him much earlier but didn't say anything 'cause he know how Jacob feels obout Bella..

He was a patient person, the most kind and selfless he ever know.

And he made him go away.

"If you want to meet him there is his adress." Seth said with a little smile placing paper on the wooden cabinet neer door. "Why are you helping me?"

"Well I can see how much you two is hurting and I want you to finally be on good terms with eachother."
Jacob thanked younger boy before he went to the kitchen.

After reading the paper, Jacob told Sam and the rest he goes out and probably won't be back till later.

He didn't take his motorbike just shifted into his wolf form. It was faster that way.


When he finally saw (Y/N) his heart started to beat faster even tho he slow down and carefuly placed his paws on the dirty ground.

(H/C) hair was stroked by wind that flew by as teenager sat on a big fluffy pillow, probably doing homework. He always got a pen behind his ear and one eybrow was slighyly up.

(Y/N) seemed to sense something cause he looked up and around till their eyes meet. Older boy fastly got up and went inside making Jacob sad and at the same time scared-rejection.

After 10 minutes of waiting wolfshifter decided to just walk away.

"Wait!" hearing (Y/N)s voice made Jacob turn around. What he didn't expected to see were fresh clothes in his imprints hand- plain black shirt and grey sweatpants. Jacob came to the porch, leaving enough of space to shift back not destroying anything.

Before he shifted, (E/C) eyes fell shut, not wanting to look at Jacobs body- not that he didn't look good or wanted to- it wasn't the right thing to do in this sytuacion.

When black haired teenager was fully clothed (Y/N) opened his eyes and spoke calmly.

"Since you showed up I guess you You thought through about it."

"I did- and I know how much I hurt you-"

"It was in the past. As imprints we will do whatever it takes to made the other person happy, I know you feel gulit of what happend but stop thinking about it. You hurt youreself more that way."

Both of them looked at eachother in silence. Some time passed since they last saw themselfes, Jacob looked more mature but he still was a wild teenager boy. (Y/N)s hair got a bit longer but he still looked handsome- even more thanks to it.

(Y/N) panicked, it started raining really hard and all of his clothes were previously getting dry in the open. Jacob helped (Y/N) up with collecting them getting all wet in the proces.

Breathing hard both of them went inside small house.

"Go in the bathroom is on the right."

"But what about you? You all wet too if not more than I am."

"Don’t t worry im fine." after that sentence (Y/N) sneezed dropping all of the clothes on the floor making it all covered in water. Taller boy chuckled taking a towel from the neerest chair.

"Take off your shirt and jeans. I won't peak." Not wanting to argue (Y/N) did as he was told even if he felt embarrased. "I'm done..." After that pair of hot hands touhed his colder shoulders while wrapping around him big (F/C) towel.

Cold and snow did nothing to him but as long as he could remember (Y/N)s body temperature will drop when it rained and was more likely getting sick but it didn't last long- thankfully.

Nothingless Jacob was worried and it showed on his face.

"I'll be ok."

(Y/N) took smaller towel and trow it on tallers boy head chuckling when Jacob got startled but then laughed quietly. Gently wiping off the water from his black hair (Y/N) didn't noticed how Jacob's dark eyes lookad at him at that monent. Reaching for shorters boy hands he took them in his own, succesfuly stoping (H/C) haired boy from drying it.

"You're still all wet, take off that now and dry yourself." (Y/N) shake his head stepped away picking up clothes and going to the dryier leaving still dazed Jacob in the middle of the room.


When Jacob exited the bathroom in new pair of sweats he saw (Y/N) sitting wrapped up into white blanket siping tea from the mug.

"(Y/N)? I know we can't take back time, but... Can we start again, from the begining?"

"I don't want to start from the begining.. Can we- instead- go into it.. slowly?"

"Of course."

The two smiled softly.

"Are you still cold?"

"A bit, yea."

(Y/N) didn't expected to be lifted up by two strong arms and seated in Jacobs lap. Blanked covered them all. Getting more comfortable- it felt like they've been doing it forever, it felt just right.


to be continued?

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