Cullens X Male reader .Part 6.

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"Are you feeling better?"
Both of the adults turned to look at Renesme standing by the armsest of the sofa with plate of cookies in her small hands- must found sweets in one of the kitchen drawers.


"I'm okey now, what do you have here?"
Pulling the covers off of his lap (Y/N) sat up straight, smiling softly.


"I thought something sweet will make you feel better and I found you cookies"

Taking the porcelain out of her hand, the girl climbed up and sat next to the vampire, legs touching.

"Well thank you."

Nearing it down (Y/N) handed one of the soft cookies to Renesme so both of them could munch on the treat.


"Jake take one!"

Shaking his head with a smile wolfshifter stood up ready to go for something to drink.

"Is the big wolf scared of one little cookie?" The vampire teased.


"Pleeeeeeaaassseee just one."


"Okey, okey but only one."

- -------------------------------------------------------------- -

After dessert, all three of them cleaned up another mess.


Everyone helped to put different plates in ther rightfull place when one of them landed on the floor tiles, shattering.


Jacob instructed Renesme to stay away from the mess, worried she will cut herself trying to help.


"(Y/N)? Are you ok?"


The vampire face was unreadable.


He stood still like a statue not a single muscle moving.


Something in his gut told him they needed to leave- now, it wasn't save for either of them here.


"Take the girl-"


"But the-"


"I need you two to go home!"


(Y/N) didn't want to make Renesme flinch but It seemed that he loose more and more control over his own body due to emotions, there was something wrong going on and he needed to find the cause of all this.


- -------------------------------------------------------------- -


Every Cullen returned home about half an hour ago where Bellas screams were heared loud and clear.


"She couldn't just magically dissapear!"


"There is no new footprints nor new tire tracks in the area. This couldn't be any human or vampire." Jasper spoke out loud his thoughts turning to the worried mother.


"So the only ones that could've done it were shifters?"


"It doesn’t make much sense, why would they do that?"


"I didn't smell any in the area, this could even be a forest animal." Emmet interjected not making the situation any better.


Heated argument was broken by the sound of on old car parking in their driveway. Just like that every member of the familly went to check whats happening outside.


Upon seeing the blue pickup truck Carlise moved at the front of the family in case something would happen, he would be the first one to get shot.


Noticing the opening of the car door and Jacob with Renesme in his arm exiting it everyone felt calmer.


Bella run up to her daughter as soon as the little girl was standing on the ground- looking all over her face, clothes to see if she got hurt, soon others joined.



From the drivers side (Y/N) observed everything that was going on, the happy family together, the reliefed looks, the smiles like the missing piece was finally back.


"Aren't you going?"


Whiping his head to the side startled (Y/N) was meet with warm brown orbs looking right onto his.

"This isn't a place for me-"


"Oh come on, (Y/N)-"


"No, now move."

Stepping back Jacob made enough room for the car to pass and thats exacly what (Y/N) have done, instantly driving away from everyone.



Parking the car and getting his keys out of the pocket (Y/N) made his way inside keeping his singht on the wooden floor.



"You made me wait...





Cara mia"



- -------------------------------------------------------------- -
Did it turned out how I wanted? no
Do I know what am I doing? also no
It's also shorter that I hoped it will be...

Twilight x male reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now