Jacob Black X M! Reader

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Found this in my old notes- decided to (kind of) finish....

I still have writers block tho-


Go on a trip they said....

It will be fun they said...

Many beautiful views are there and fresh air they said...

Yea it was until (Y/N) got enough- he wasn't adventorious and out going person, quite opposite actually, he loved to stay inside and be creative in his own way like writing stories or just listening to music.

He himself didn't have any idea how he could be his lovers type the talk is about one and only wolfshifter Jacob Black.

But lets get back to the main story.

(Y/N) for the first time decided to go out in the woods for a walk, his boyfriend was there with him of course being protective as always- you can never be too carefoul. Vampires and wolfshifters were one thing but there also were wild animals and a big ones may I add so it was naturall for dark haired male to tag along.

For the muscular teen it was an easy walk like from his garage to home not breaking a sweat- that couldnt be said in (H/C) haired boys case. For Jacob it was adorible that (Y/N) tried and loved the fact they are alone- noone could catch how much he stares taking every detal like it was the first time they meet.


The two made solid couple of kilometers till (Y/N) finally had enough...

"I-I'm just gonna stand here.... for a while so... go ahead you will tell me how sunset looked when I finally got up there....."

Shorter boy said standing back to his lover breathing heavly, hands on his knees.

"I'm not going anywhere without you. You'll be lost."

Jacod landed on a tree with a serious expression till something crossed his mind.

"So what do you want me to-?"

(Y/N) began to turn his head till he heard clother ripping. That ment one thing- Jacob turned into wolf.

Finally turning around (E/C) orbs widen at the view of big brown furred  wolf that looked at the human infront of him with his own yellowish eyes.

"No- no no no, change back -" at this moment (Y/N) remembered that if Jake do it right now he will be fully naked. "- or you know what no- Nevermind stay as you are now."

Tips of his ears started to reeden when (Y/N) shake his head at the didry thoughs.

Wolfs big head gently nudged (H/C) haired boys shoulder wanting attention.

"you would not give up, huh?"

The determined look in wolfish eyes said it all. "So what do you want me to do?" after that Jacob got down, his tail wagging behind him as his head was croaked a bit down, the tip of his black nose touching (Y/N)s leg.

Getting the message (Y/N) not fully sure climbed on the wolfs back. His heart was beeting fast but did much faster when he didn't feel the ground below his feet- Jacob stood up on all fours.

Hands went through the brown fluffy four making human smile at the feeling undernith them.

"I like the feeling of your furr. Its not as rough as I though it would be. We definitly need to use it while cuddling on that pillow I got on the veranda."

(Y/N) mumbled hugging his lover while observing passing by the nature not stoping his hands movements even for a second making Jacob feel in love with him more and more.


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