Jasper Hale X M! Reader

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Requested by: anns-writing

That one is long-

I hope you'll like it❤️


Alice decided to make a suprise for her human friend and celebrate it in their house with close ones.

It was Bellas birthday, everybody has a great time joking, dancing or just talking. (Y/N) made her a birthday cupcakes deciding they wont be able eat a whole cake with just the two of them, taller girl agreed at this idea.


(H/C) haired boy sat on his lovers lap plaing with that blonde locks, gold eyes looked into this beautifull (E/C) and perfect smile that he retured getting closer to kiss smallers boy forehead. "Uh-uh don't move you'll destroy it." (Y/N) pouted holding a braid he made so it wont fall apart. Jasper listened and sat still, smiling- It was perfect.

That was untill brown haired girl hissed... Alice turned to her and saw blood cut on her finger, Edward fastly came to Bella as Rosalie take (Y/N) away from Jasper that was now held back by Emmett and Caslisle. Esme told her 'childern' to take the two to their homes, that way they will be save.

(Y/N) got a plaster in his phone case and gave it to his friend that thanked him. The ride was silent nobody talked but Edward could tell (Y/N) is worried about his lover also by his running thoughts- it made the vampire smile 'cause no metter the sytuation smaller boy was always worried first about Jasper than himself- he know he will get scoled if he said it out loud with his family around.

"Hey, cheer up he will be fine." Edward ruffled (Y/N)s hair after exiting the car and taking him right in front of the door of his house. "I hope so, but you know I'll be woried still, even if you said that. Drive carefully." "Don’t worry we will." The two said goodbyes and (Y/N) went inside. It was dark, he was alone. His parents today morning flew away for their work.

Turning on the lights he decided to make himself something to eat feeling hungry and the only thing that could be made fast was noodles.

It wasn't the best but it was something. Tomorrow he will need to actually cook after school. Right now he just needed to take a warm shower and sleep but first- text Jasper how he feels.


(Y/N) checked his phone one more time but he haven't got a reply. 'he probably still don't feel good. I'll check in the morning.'


It was weird... By now (Y/N) was sure to get some kind of reply.. But there was nothing. It worried him..

Deciding to go to school earlier (H/C) haired boy packed his bag and dressed up in one of Jaspers dark blue hoodies, button up white shirt and light blue jeans- he was ready to go. Taking keys to his car from shelf he get out and close the door.

Snow started falling on this part of the forest, it was beautufull, songs was playing on the radio making (Y/N) relax.

When he finally was on the parking he exited his (F/C) car and went to school. He saw there was Bella standing with Edward. "Hey there. You're early." "I could say the same." Bella smiled a bit hugging her friend that returned it. Ok, I'm off just remember this is school so don't get to touchy!" (Y/N) joked as vampire boy shake his head smiling. "You don't need to worry about it."

The day went quite good but (Y/N) haven't seen Jasper or wnen he saw him blond haired boy dissapered in the crown of students. It worried him.

Couple of days later Alice aporached him and took his hand to take a little bit taller boy with her behind the school.

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