Volturis Mate- Final Battle

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Armyb123 - sorry for the long wait❤️

(sorry if its kinda rushed and not what u had in mind)


(Y/N) stood at the very back of the Volturis pack when he saw Alice walking to one of his mates letting him read her mind.

Alice walked up to Aro and showed him her vision.


The golden eyed vampire looked at her family and wisper for them to take action. Everything happend fast- cullens went running with wolfshifters and other vampires that took they side in this battle.


Jacob run as fast as he could with Renesme on his back when he heard one of the Volturis vampires flying at him. Wolf was about to bite his head off when above the blood sucker appered something that looked like a cage- but made of connected sharp snowflakes - this made the shifted male stop, the threat has been liquidated- not moving inside the cage not wanting to die out of how sharp everything was- cutting through his cold body a few curses left his lips.

Noticing a snow white figure clothed in reddish coat standing neer, low growl escaped his throat.

Renesme eyes widen at the sight gripping the brown furr tighter in her small hands but she didnt felt scared instead she felt calm and in awe- he didnt look like the other vampires wanting to kill.

Jacob seemed to feel it too.

"Who are you?" the girl asked curiously but got only a close-eyed friendly smile in return.

Unknown male bagan to walk where the fight was happening- not without softly spoking. "If you start running now you wont be able to stop. Untill I am here nothing bad will happen to her. Wait for a bubble- then return."

After that he dissapered leaving even more confused girl and the wolfshifter alone in the middle of the trees


The three kings noticed the lack of their mate but know he didn't like violence, staying as far away as possible- then the earth quaqe interruped in their moves.

Not so lucky ones fell right into the open ground with loud screams or whining.

Wind started to blow harder and harder with each passing second making snow twirl accaping visibility- everyone tried to somehow shield their body from the sharp snowflakes but it didn’t do much.

After some time it became to clam down and they saw everything how it was before- Volturi were on the side they came from and the same was with Cullens, their friends and wolfshifters- everyone was alive and there was no hole in the ground taking everything and everyone that fell.

But there was still no sight of Jacob and Renesme.

Bella didn't know what to think untill she noticed her surroundings- every one began to notice. The air went still the same with each snowflake that previously fall on the white covered ground was spinning aroumd slowly.

Big frame of the wolf walked out of the woods and softly each paw stepped on the soft snow, next to them was floating bubble with something like little fire smoldering inside showing them the way- Jacob and Renesme were ok.

Huge weight went off of each Cullen shoulders at the view of the two.


"I think thats enough Allice."

Voice spoke close to her ear starrtling brown haired woman a bit. She pulled her small hand away from Aros bigger one and looked at the vampire she saw in her visions- calm and collected different from his mates in so many ways yet they made a perfect match.

"The girl does not pose a threat. I can see it." (Y/N) turned to look at his mates that were already looking at him. "But if she did-" Caius spoked but was cutted off

"If she did, I'll pay the price, but it won't happen." none of the kings wanted their mate to put his life at risk- they wouldnt be able to survive without (Y/N) but word has been said and they couldnt have a word in it.

They promise eachother to never let it happen.

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