Random Idea One-Shot

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Dunno how-

dunno why-

Unusuall characters for me to write for- just-



Twilight final battle

Before the battle could start voice was heard.
"i wanna see this child." three kings after hearing it made a way for this person and it picked up interess and stress of Cullen family and friends they grathered.

From behind Aro was seen shorter male- his skin was as white as the snow surrounding them, his posture was held high but also relaxed- he didnt want anybody to die today and everybody could feel it even as far as the wolfes stood.

"Who's this?" Bella asked clearly not happy that one of Volturis has been walking their way. "It's (Y/N), the kings mate." Carlise answered having meet (Y/N) before in his long life but haven't seen him when ther were stopping Edward from being seen in Italy.

What they didn't notice was Renesme going farther away from her parents to meet unknow vampire- she felt that she could trust him- his eyes was what she wanted to see the most- they werent blood red- they were icy blue with a little red spots- shining.

Cullens finally stopped talking and was searching for Bella's baby onlybto find her neer (Y/N)- if they could breath they would have hold it from what was happening.

(H/C) haired male kneeled and put his hands in front of him joined together, small girl did the same but instead her hands were in his bigger ones. Snowflakes appered in them- each one holding future of older Renesme that will happen and wont change- tha girl had no clue about it tho- the tickling sensation and cicy feelimg made her giggle.

Staysfied with his visions vampire pull his hands out of Renesme grqsp and trow them up making snowflakes that gratered on it went up and fall with different shapes and shimmering different colours in the sun. Brown haired girl awwed at the view and touch some of the falling ones making (Y/N) smile lightly then got up and return to his mates. Gently placing his hand on Aros cheek he showed him what he himself saw.

Bunch of red orbs looked at the blue eyed vampire waiting for their king decision. After seeing all of it black haired male took his lovers hand and kiss it- this was the sign- he made his decision.

"The child will life." With that Volturi started to walk away but (Y/N) stood and looked behind him at the Cullens with a genue smile, then turned around joining his mates that waited not far away for him to join them.

Twilight x male reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now