Cullens X M! Reader .Part 2.

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You asked for part two-

Tbh I didn't have any idea how to start this but somehow this is longer than the previous one(???)-


(Y/N) sat on the kitchen counter with a glass of water in hand after he moved far away from the window- sure he was a vampire, his heart wasn't beating or lungs didn't need air- he was immortal- but nothing really changed between him and normal human being, he was as weak as one, still got emotions, needed to eat from time to time and not only blood, no vampire got eyes that looked like his.

He knew Cullens needed as much of their kind to support them but they hurt him and if a fight broke out he surely was going to die, no matter if he tried to run, they would kill him sooner or later.

Of course even now he wont be safe, they came to him and nothing will hide from Aro sight.


All of the Cullens came back home about two hours ago and everyone returned to their things to somehow keep the normality but there was something that still bothered Bella.

The newborn vampire couldn't stop walking around in his husband's old room thinking what exactly happened earlier.

Even if they asked for help from others that didn't know Renesme and knew the danger of the situation, they agreed to be on their side- why wouldn't that one help them?

"how did it went?"
Bella wasn't expecting Jacob to show up and stop her thoughts.

"By the look on your face I don't think it went well.." wolf shifter leaned against the door frame waiting for the answer.

"It didn't, I just don't know what happened. Others agreed to help but this one didn't even want to communicate with us, he barely let Carlisle inside to talk." brunette sat on the bed with her hands intertwined together.

"Maybe I could help?"

"How? You're a wolf Jake, you know how we react-"

"I know, you hate the smell and all but we can always try." it wasn't hard to see he still got a thing for her and will do anything for his imprint.


Jacob debated if he should shift or not but in the end decided it was better for him to take his bike and was ready for a trip.

Seth wanted to go too but the older boy didn't agree, not knowing if it was safe for him to tag along.


Upon seeing a small reddish house wolf shifter slowed down and stopped on the driveway then got off the bike, cautiously making his way to the front door.

His knock wasn't the loudest but for sure hireable, so after a while Jake decided to go around and look for the vampire through the windows.

He didn't find anything, that worried him a bit.

A wolf in Jacob picked up upon hearing the tires break, then he heard a low whine.


At that moment nothing else matter. After shifting, he ran as fast as he could to where he heard the noise coming fron.

Thank fully it wasn't that far away from where he stood earlier. On the spot, he noticed a bright colored old car and a tail of a wolf on the side. Coming closer to it, dark smoke was seen that started going off in the hood of the car.

The person that sat inside of the vehicle didn't move- it was clear as day the accident scared him half to death.

Walking at the front of the car Jacob checked if Seth was ok and fortunately, he was- after shifting back he will get an ear full for what happened, he was sure of it.

Feeling a pair of eyes on him, Jacob looked up and was met with a pair of (E/C) orbs but small parts of them were golden watching his movement which made him freeze.

Neither of them noticed the fire starting but when they did man sitting behind the wheel grabbed the handle to open the door but it wouldn't move.

That's when the panic set in.

Fire started slow but it quickly gained strength spreading more on the passenger side.

Seth looked panicked as his eyes moved between Jacob and the person trapped in the car. That's when the bigger wolf did something smaller one didn't expect, he shifted back in his human form and tore the driver's side door open pulling the male out of there into his arms.

Feeling warm skin under his fingertips (Y/N) opened his eyes looking up seeing a man that wasn't there before. Using his hands, shorter male tried to get out of the embrace pushing onto the toned chest.

Jacob let him go but not completely- he didn't want to let go. He then remember Seth is here too however he wast the only one who did.

Now it hits (Y/N). There were two of the wolves.


Even if it was said in a hushed whisper both of the man heard it clearly.

Pushing away (H/C) locks bounced in the air as the vampire moved backwards shaking his head.

Before black haired male could say anything his eyes widened noticing how the sun fell onto the other making it sparkle but not as much as Cullens or any other vampire he meet did.

A vampire.

How did he not notice earlier?
His skin was surely colder, his cheeks were slightly flushed and his eyes were golden- (E/C)? Light tears showed in the corners...

How was that possible...?

Turning around, Jacob shifted back and ran forward followed by Seth that got too many questions and each of them loudly echoed in the older one's head.

Just like that (Y/N) stoon on the side of the road alone full of questions.

Why did he got scent of Cullens on himself?

Were they that desperate to ask wolfshifters for help?

Why would shifters help vampires?

Why did a wolfshifter show up on his territory?

Why did they agree for a shifter to go to a vampire?

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