Chapter 1: Loss

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Two men stood in front of a large floor to ceiling window. The sky was grey and neither could see much of the snowy mountain slopes that the building they were in was built on, despite the fact that they both were on the ground floor of the building. The room they were in featured a set of double doors on the far side, past two sections of wall with a gap in the middle.

One of them had a broad muscular frame and an AR-15 rifle in his arms, while the other was lean and had a sniper rifle - the british made AW50, with a winter camo paint scheme in use - slung across his back, as well as a MP7 holstered to his left thigh. Both wore white boots, combat trousers and tactical winter jackets of the same colour, complete with a fur-lined hood, as well as a white scarf and body armour underneath.

For headwear, the pair wore black ski goggles, with an earpiece equipped underneath the balaclavas they both wore. Lastly, the lean man had a satchel on.

"What a great foggy morning this is, eh Fury?" The broad man asked his teammate.

"Welcome to south Berk, Alpha Trapper. This is some of our best weather. You should see when a blizzard forms or it rains down hail." The lean man replied.

"I'm sure I'd be fine. I'd bring my umbrella for that. Are you ready to start the clock on that charge yet?"

Fury gave a sheepish smile as he produced the bomb from the confines of the satchel he had on, setting the device and satchel down. "...Now I am. We should go find the target first though."

"Acknowledged, Fury. Sal, how's it looking?"

"Obviously no clear visuals outside and I think my radar setup is going haywire so I can't get a read on your motion trackers. Shouldn't be a problem however, as there is currently no sign of any tangos on thermals, over."

"Copy that, Sal. Guess we're blind on our end. Shall I start the clock, Alpha Trapper?"


Fury and Alpha Trapper spun around to find the double doors behind them had been shoved open and two men were standing there with P90's. They each dove towards the sections of wall that stood between them and the doors as the men raised their submachine guns and opened fire.

Fury peeked out and aimed his PDW - the MP7 - to return fire, but had to duck back into cover as one of his opponents opened fire before he could get a shot off.

Then he heard a brief burst of gunfire suddenly erupt, followed by a pained grunt that came from his right. Looking over, he saw his companion had gone down. He was laying on his back behind a bullet hole ridden wall section, coat rapidly turning red from blood with both hands and his AR-15 hanging limply by his sides.

Cursing under his breath, Hiccup peeked out again to return fire. As soon as both men went down for good, Hiccup strode over to his companion. As he approached, he watched the man start to convulse and cough up blood.

"Thor damn it," muttered Fury as he reached the man and proceeded to crouch beside him. He then inspected him, finding his companion had been shot in the chest, where his lungs would be.

"H-H-Hi-" he garbled, his mouth bloody.

"No, don't speak, please. It won't help you."

His companion shook his head before pointing to the door behind Fury as best he could, with Fury following his slow moving finger. "...Yeah. If he's here, I'll make him pay. You just rest easy now."

But his words went unheard, as his friend went limp in that moment, likely due to the effort of pointing while his lungs filled up with blood.

Fury took the time to close his friend's eyes before holstering his MP7 and getting up.

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