Chapter 35: Feuding and Other Matters Part One

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A/N: Here we go.


"I feel like you've come back here to find this place metaphorically about to explode," murmured Bekker, as she was graced with a view of the distant harbour from the windows of her hotel room.

"I concur with that, Bekker," Hiccup sighed. "I feel like I'm the maid of Berk at this point."

Bekker snorted. "Don't say that, because now I'm picturing you in a maid outfit," she then sobered up. "So back to talking about this feud or whatever... what are you going to do?"

Hiccup shrugged helplessly. "I have no idea, but I will be making inquiries of a friend shortly. After which, I will be speaking to the girlfriend of the friend in question. In the meantime, what will you be doing?"

She brought a finger to her chin in consideration. "Probably touring Berk for someplace to eat."

"In that case, what do you say to Mcdonalds?"

She smiled, approaching her friend to hook an arm in one of his. "I say lead the way, sir knight."

After ordering takeaway, Bekker expected Hiccup to return to the hotel she was staying at. Instead, she found herself standing outside a police station.

"What are we doing here?"

Hiccup stepped off his motorbike, leaving his helmet on the seat in front of Bekker before speaking.

"Well I'm going to find out who shot at my girlfriend; what he or she looks like and what the charges are, besides assault on an officer that is. Probably a boring subject, so feel free to stay here with the food if you want," he explained, nodding at the takeaway bag she was holding on to, in her lap.

"Perhaps for the best," she shrugged. "See you soon!"

And this led to Hiccup finding himself in Mala's office, in the presence of both the police chief and commissioner. "So what happened to the person? Walk me through it."

Mala scrutinised Hiccup. "Are you inquiring about all this as a friend concerned about Officer Hofferson?"

"That and more. Astrid wouldn't happen to know sign language, would she? It would be convenient for me if she does."

Mala hummed. "I see. Congratulations. However, I wouldn't know if she understands sign language. She'd be the best to ask."

Hiccup nodded and Mala continued. "Furthermore, the assailant is in custody now. In fact, Officer Oswaldson and Officer Ingrid Hofferson recently completed the task of storing away the firearms found at the scene in the evidence room."

"These wouldn't happen to be illegal firearms, would they? This guy doesn't work in a job that requires a gun, I presume."

Throk answered. "You presume correctly. He has two jobs; one at a cafe and the other at the Lonesome Tradesman as a bouncer. It's Bob the sled."

Hiccup frowned. "Bob the sled? The guy who does sleigh rides for children in winter?"

"Indeed," replied Throk.

Hiccup groaned into his hands. "What is Berk coming to? Why is he , of all people toting guns?"

"We intend to find out," stated Mala.

"Okay. Which cell is he in? I've decided I'd like a word. Bring him to one of your interrogation rooms."

"We can't allow that," said Mala. "Only police officers can interrogate suspects."

"Then send one of your officers along. Perhaps Ingrid Hofferson. I'd like to see how she works. Heather too. I have something I want to ask her."

Throk and Mala looked at one another, then back at him. "Alright," sighed Mala, "Bring them here."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2021 ⏰

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