Chapter 27: I'm coming for you

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A/N: Here we go.


"You look terrible. May I ask why you have two black eyes?"

"A one-sided fight."

"You lost a fight with someone?"

Yeah, because I didn't intend to fight her.

"I did, yes," he responded, then quickly moved on. "Is Fishlegs here?" he then asked Erica, who was standing by the window of the guard kiosk by the entrance to Sølvbånd base while he sat on his motorbike.

"Not yet, which is weird. Did something happen between you two? You usually arrive within minutes of each other."

Yes, something happened.

"No, I'm sure he's just late. I'll tell Mogadon not to worry."

"Alright then. In you go."

Driving through the raised barrier and parking his motorbike, a brisk walk through the base followed, ending with him knocking on the head of security's office door, which was conveniently directly across the hallway from his own.

"Fishlegs won't be coming in today, I wager, so don't go looking for him," Hiccup said curtly to the man when the door opened, then turned and stepped into his office.

Taking out his notepad from the inner pocket of his coat, he tossed it onto his desk then hung up the coat on the hook on the back of his door, before slumping into his chair with a sigh.

Opening the drawer below the desk surface, Hiccup took out a pen as he opened his notepad with one hand, then started writing.

Drago Bludvist Info Sheet

Large and muscular; around the same height and build as one Stoick Haddock.

Scarred face with black dreadlocked hair.

Current owner of DB Security; an international private security company owned by the Bludvist family. Was renamed from Bludvist Security several years ago, if I remember right.

Has clear military experience and is a Jaeger, but unknown for how long.

Responsible for the recent near-death of a friend, the mother of said friend was not pleased by this. Refer to my face for further details.

Hiccup snorted to himself at that, then sobered up and continued.

Current status of target: unknown, but possibly escaped. Hopefully K.I.A, but not, knowing my luck and the habits of certain deities to intervene in my life.

If the DSIS SWAT team ambush/shootout was indeed unsuccessful, propose a solo mission to Gobber, along with necessary leave to hunt down and pick off the target at as long a range as possible, for the sake of discretion.

Post proposal goals: reestablish friendship with Lieutenant Ingerman, if such a goal is possible. Likewise, talk with one Astrid Hofferson and Bertha herself.

Not looking forward to it, if I'm honest; particularly talking with the last subject. My eyes still sting.

Hiccup then rose, put away the pen, picked up the notepad, then left the room searching for his commanding officer.

Finding Gobber at a table in the cafeteria, coffee in hand, he slid into a seat across from him.

"Hello. What happened to your face?"

"Bertha happened," Hiccup slid his notepad across the table. "Read that. It'll explain better than I can."

"So I take it you're not mad anymore, considering you're here?" asked Gobber, as he scooped up the notepad.

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