Chapter 32: Meeting Fury

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"I want to go back to active duty."

Throk stared at Heather from behind his desk. "As you wish, officer Oswaldottir."

Heather perked up. "Really? I can go back on patrol duty?"

"No, of course not. You were assigned to the receptionist desk for coming to blows with a certain female senior citizen while on the job."

Heather shuffled her feet upon hearing this and refused to meet Throk's gaze as he continued. "For this reason, I am led to believe that this decision of yours is being prompted by the recent death of your father, as you feel the need to do more for Berk. Am I wrong in this?"

Heather's cheeks heated a little, which, combined with her still not looking at him, served as an answer. "I can get a partner, though; to keep me in check."

"Officer Hofferson, you mean? Your friend? The one who is impatient and prone to losing her temper? What could go wrong there?"

"If we screw up, you can fire me, or put me on receptionist duty permanently," Heather counter-proposed.

"Fine, I'll hold you to that," Throk conceded after a moment's pause. "If my wife hears of this, you'll be my scapegoat."

"Understandable, sir. Thank you," Heather said and when she left his office, she was smiling broadly.

"I take it that's a good sign?" asked Astrid, who was waiting by the reception desk.

Heather nodded happily. "You bet, Astrid. You're my partner from now on. So let's go."

Astrid nodded and turned to leave. "And you owe me the details of what you've been up to lately," Heather added.

"You'll get them, don't you worry about that Heather. Now, c'mon."

So when the pair were in Astrid's squad car and were driving away from the station, Astrid spoke unprompted. "I was abducted. Hiccup helped find me though. Then, yesterday, he taught me how to use a sniper rifle - specifically the one he uses. That's the gist of it."

"Were you scared?"

Astrid shrugged. "Not really. I was knocked unconscious for most of it, waking up only after Hiccup found me."

Heather nodded. "He's a good guy."

"Yep. So, partner, what about your guy? Have you two been having fun together? How did that movie date of yours go?"

"It went amazing. We went to go see Joker," Heather smiled, though it was a little forced. "Though it still bothers me that Fishlegs was shot in both knees. It kinda puts a damper on things; him being stuck in a wheelchair."

Astrid smirked. "Is that because you want to reach fourth base with him?"

"Yes," Heather replied immediately. "Yes it is. I'm also curious to see if he's open to the idea, or if he'll be too shy for that. Heck, I'll settle for second or third base at this point."

Her friend's lips twitched upwards. "It's really difficult to not act smug right now."

Heather laughed. "You go girl. I'm envious. Any chance you could talk to Hiccup about a one time threesome?"

"Not on your life, Heather. He's all mine."

"Aww, man," Heather whined, prompting a laugh out of both.

Then the moment subsided, and Astrid eyed Heather warily. "How are you doing, Heather? I mean, after everything that happened recently..."

"I'm doing as well as could be expected, I think..." Heather mumbled, her voice wavering a little.

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