Chapter 12: Figuring Some Stuff Out

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General Finn stared at the unknown number as the call dialog flashed on the screen of his phone and the device rang in his hand.

Reclining in the chair in his office, Finn tapped the screen and held the phone to his ear.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Who I am doesn't matter to you. Not right now at least," a deep and growly voice responded. "What does matter, is what you will do. Depending on your actions, your niece, Astrid Freya Hofferson, will die."

"Are you threatening me?" Finn spat venomously.

"No, I am threatening your niece's life and giving you a choice. Do keep up," the voice replied, now with a bemused undertone.

"What choice?"

"Leave the Berk Guard and join me. In return, I will keep you out of their reach."


"Lieutenants Mogadonson and Agnarsson, you are dismissed. You may leave the room," said Stoick.

"But sir, what about them ? What if they decide to attack you?" asked Thuggory, glancing at Finn and his associates who were present.

"Don't worry, I'm armed. I'm sure I can handle them." he replied, patting the gun in the holster on his right hip for emphasis.

"Okay, we'll be right outside, sir," said Dogsbreath.

After they left the room, Gobber sighed. "First the Draugr Squad, now them. This secret you're keeping from everyone isn't worth it, Stoick. Not after everything that has happened."

"My son is still alive. I think that alone makes it worth it."

"But who else will get hurt because you won't tell him? It's been four years, Stoick. Last time it was Eret. What if it goes wrong and Hiccup is next?"

"Drago is a careful planner. Your son will be fine," Krogan added cooly.

"Drago is the reason we're all in this mess in the first place!" exploded Gobber. "Why Finn left the Berk Guard and why some of our own are dead, all because that warlord, masquerading as a businessman, has a grudge over being kicked out of the army alongside Alvin by Stoick, Mogadon, Gothi and myself. That is what is actually going on."

"I would hold your tongue. The walls themselves have ears," warned Krogan, as Gobber stood up.

"I don't have anything or anyone for Drago to threaten, unlike Finn or Stoick there, so I will say what I like. To that end, fuck you Krogan. Fuck you Grimmel. Fuck you Finn and all your newfound friends. Most of all, Fuck Drago Bludvist." With that, Gobber turned on his heel and stormed out of the room.

Krogan sighed. "I'll need to borrow your phone, General Stoick. Just in case your friend gets any funny ideas."

"He won't, but I'll give you my phone just in case. After that, I'll have your other associates take you back to your cell."

"That'll be fun. Tell me, is Viggo the same as always? Been a while since I saw him or Ryker."

Stoick handed Krogan his phone. "Make your call. Then, you can talk to them on your own time."








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