Chapter 3: An Unwanted Reunion

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When Hiccup entered the mission briefing room, he saw that Lieutenant Ingerman, Major Belch and Captain Boggs were present, sitting around a mahogany table, which contrasted with the white tiled floor and blue walls and ceiling of the room.

Ingerman was sitting directly opposite Major Belch and Boggs sat alone on one end of the bench. "Oh great, you're here again," groaned Hiccup as he sat on the other end of the bench from her. "Nice to see you again, Hiccup," said Camicazi.

"The feeling is definitely not mutual. Why are you here, Cami?"

"You screwed up your mission to find and kill or capture Finn Hofferson, so the Bog Burglars sent me here to become your partner."

"They haven't told you yet? As much as I hate the drama surrounding our previous encounters and yourself, I would choose you instead of my newly assigned partner any day."

"Oh? And just who is this new partner of yours?"

"Lieutenant Jorgenson."

Cami winced. "Ooh, bad luck."

"Yeah, that's an appropriate reaction," chuckled Hiccup. "Check out his file."

Taking the folder that Hiccup slid down the bench in her direction, she picked it up and scanned the contents within.

"Seriously? Even Fishlegs who prefers talking through our earpieces is a better shot than he is. He's even worse than I thought."

"As amusing as this is to listen to, I have to fill you in now." Cut in Major Belch.

"Sorry sir," Fishlegs, Hiccup and Cami, chorused.

"Now, as Captain Boggs mentioned, the Draugr Squad haven't been having much luck regarding General Hofferson, and the head of the Bog Burglars has noticed, hence the assignment of Captain Boggs to the Draugr Squad for now."

"Have they found a lead?" asked Fishlegs.

"Not yet, but it is why I'm here. Anyone could guess there's a mole in the Berk Guard. I'm here to find out who it is. That means investigating everyone. So while I'm here, it would be best if we acted as friends."

"No. I'm not going down that rabbit hole with you Cami. Not after what you did."

Fishlegs watched them with confusion. "Should I even ask?"


"No," they both spoke, Cami and Hiccup respectively, with the former's face adopting a teasing smirk as she said it and the latter glaring at her. "I think it would be fun, don't you babe?"

Hiccup sighed, frustrated. "Don't call me that. Anything else to talk about sir?"

"No, that just about covers it, laddie. Show her around the place, act natural if you can, let her find the mole and the Draugr squad can then deal with Finn."

Hearing the unspoken dismissal, Hiccup nodded. "Got it. If you need me, I'll be in the sparring room," Hiccup then got up and left the room.

When the door closed behind him, Cami sighed. "I'll go talk to him so he can show me around the place, sir," she said as she rose to her feet.

"Leave him be for now lassie. You've caused him enough hurt in the past," said Major Belch.

"I'm sure he can handle me on his own, sir," she said before leaving the room before he could object further, her footsteps receding down the hall.

The man pinched the bridge of his nose with his good hand before focusing on Fishlegs. "I want you to keep an eye on her. If she initiates any trouble, I want to know about it immediately. If it happens, I'll have her sent back to Bog faster than she can blink."

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