Chapter 22: Routine Changes Part 4

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Hiccup! Eyes off that motorbike of yours and get ready! You're going to enlist today, so let's go! - SH

...Yes, Dad - HHH III


"When I spoke with you sir, I asked you to compile a list of all known employees and their history at this institution. Now I come back to hear that you have yet to complete this task after half a day has elapsed. Get on with it, or I will arrest you on the grounds of delaying an investigation in progress and being performed by the Politiets Efterretningstjeneste. On that matter, what have you and your receptionist here been doing in that time?" Bertha enquired.

She stood in the head manager's office; a room darkened by drawn curtains, towering over the man who sat at a desk with the receptionist in a seat beside him, gazing fearfully up at Bertha.

Meanwhile, the manager refused to look at the mountain of a woman, instead keeping his eyes on the computer monitor on his desk and saying nothing.

"Clock's ticking," Cami added as she stood by the door of the room with her arms crossed.

He continued to say nothing for a full minute, after which Bertha sighed and turned away from him. "I've ran out of patience. Maybe some time back at our building will make him more cooperative."

"Hopefully," muttered Cami. "Let's go talk to our remaining SWAT friends."

Leaving the room together, Bertha waited until the door had closed behind her before looking at her daughter. "So what did you find out from the postage company?"

"Apparently, the parcel was sent from overseas. Iceland, to be exact," replied Cami.

"Iceland? Really?" Cami nodded. "Okay, I'm starting to see a pattern here," said Bertha.

Cami blinked. "Pattern? What pattern?"

"That proxy server was found to be sending data to somewhere in Iceland, according to what our resident cybersecurity expert was able to find out," Bertha replied before sighing. "If only we had a lead on what Drago is up to. Perhaps information from someone who works for him."

"...I think I know just the person."

"Oh really?" Bertha stared inquisitively at Cami. "Who?"

Cami turned and looked at the closed door behind them. "You'll see. Go get some of our SWAT officers in the meantime. I have an idea for something that might work regarding them."

"Alright," Bertha nodded, catching onto what Cami had in mind. "But make it quick."

"-nothing they can do when Drago gets here," Cami heard the manager say to the receptionist as she reentered his office.

"I wouldn't be so sure," said Cami, drawing his attention as she approached his desk, all the while Bertha took up a position by the door. The manager grinned smugly at Cami following her words.

"Oh yeah? You have nothing on us."

"If that's true, then why are you stalling on giving us the history of all the employees here? Sounds like you're trying to hide something," said Cami, smirking inwardly when his smug expression faltered a little. She then continued. "But there is one I'm particularly interested in. Olaf Thorston. Tell me, what is he like as a colleague? And you wouldn't mind if we had a look at his employee records? Give us that, and I'm sure we can overlook the fact that you delayed a police investigation today."

A few seconds went by, where the manager looked uncertain on what to do before he eventually came to a decision. "Not a chance."

"Alright," Cami sighed, reaching into her back pocket for her purse. "I didn't want to do this, but desperate times. Will you hand me what I'm looking for, for twenty krone?" she asked, holding out the note in clear view of the manager.

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