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Days on trial: 76

Trepidation made itself at home in my stomach, like a bear curling up to hibernate for the winter. As long I was in a medical environment, I think I would have been apprehensive. Fresh wounds that hadn't quite healed yet were still weeping in my subconscious. All it would take was a little knock to open them up again.

Vulnerability had never been something I dealt well with. Brave face on, I waited for my number to be called, and then proceeded up the long corridor like a robot.

"Jungkook, good to see you," my Doctor smiled warmly. He'd always been great at making me feel welcome. "We've got lots to discuss."

"Yeah," I nodded, clammy palms nervously resting on my knees. Like all of our meetings, he began with the colour flash cards. It was begining to get almost too easy at this point. I surely couldn't still see them all so well now that I had been without the pills for a week.

I'd barely even sat down before the door flung open behind me.

"Hi, sorry to interrupt-"

"Annie?!" I choked, shocked at the sight of her. She'd been working like crazy over the last couple of days, and honestly I hadn't expected to see much of her for the next few days - let alone at the clinic.

And definitely not bursting into my appointment.

"I'll explain," she gritted her teeth apologetically, tilting her head in the most endearing manner, puppy dog eyes and everything. Her chest was heaving, presumably from the fact that she had run from the office, and I had to stop myself from swooning over her being in one of my shirts. Now was not the time.

Turning her attention to the Doctor, I let her do her thing. I'd known Annie long enough to not get in the way of her when she set her mind to a task.

"Did you know?" She demanded answers from the man across the desk, who, like me, was staring at her with bewilderment. "Did you know what they were doing? Cait&Co?"

Turning my head to get a read on her, I frowned at the mention of the business name. Nothing positive had ever come from hearing those words, and I didn't imagine it ever would.

Reclining into his chair slightly, the Doctor had a look of perplexion on his soft features. His typically soft eyes beaded behind his half-moon glasses, a frown levelling his mouth out.

"I didn't," he replied. Her poised stance didn't shift, so I knew Annie didn't believe him. "After Jungkook had left his last appointment, I kept his notes up, as I was working on a theory we had been discussing."

I froze nervously. The theory had come to be after I had disclosed the fact I'd stopped taking the pills. With my record laid out in front of us, it was abundantly clear that nothing about my results seemed to be 'normal'.

It was just one tiny teeny thing that I hadn't told Annie yet, and I didn't particularly fancy telling her right now. I had wanted the moment to be just right, and in the clinic while I could feel rage radiating from her didn't fit the 'quite right' criteria.

One day I'd get better at admitting the whole truth in one go. One day. But not today.

"As I was inputting data, I could see it was being accessed internally. All of the neighbouring clinics have specific codes, including the university hospital, and more specifically, the research wing. BURW. Pretty straight forward," he shrugged, turning his screen as he pulled up the list. Behind the tab, I could see my file open. Dates, memos, prescriptions, it was all there. Me. Medical me in digital form. "They were inputting data into his file, but none that I could see. I tried to access it using several different methods, but it would always show a 'redacted' fault."

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