
6.6K 486 176


Days on trial: TERMINATED

Days since meeting Jungkook: 77

My hair was a mess, tumbled on top of my head, a pencil securing it in place. I was sat cross-legged on my desk chair, one of my knees raised so that I could lean over it in a slightly more comfortable position, fingers typing away furiously at my desk. I must have looked like a woman possessed, but in a way, I kind of was. 

Until I had purged my system of all the knowledge I had gathered on Cait&Co's colour corruption, I wouldn't be free of it - none of us would. 

I was in a daze, my fingers moving autonomously, desperately trying to permanently capture my thoughts before my overwhelmed mind expunged them.

"You'll burn yourself out, pretty baby," Jungkook whispered, pressing a kiss into my temple.  Moving around me, he picked up the empty coffee cups, neatening up my desk. 

"Thank you," I smiled appreciatively, having not realised how much of a difference a clear desk would make. 

The office was full, even with Jimin joining us for the evening, as we slaved away at the story.

Dark outside, we were all working overtime, and had been since the crack of dawn. Personally, I hadn't stopped since I'd arrived back from the clinic. Not even to celebrate the fact that Jungkook, Jeon 'Perpetually-Mono' Jungkook, was a Multi. My boyfriend was a Multi. God, the thought still had me giddy.

Namjoon was cross-referencing our data, making sure that our research was accurate, while Jin was transcribing witness accounts and source interviews. It was a team effort, and we were all getting this by-line, with Chloe as our editor. 

We all had the same set of documents open on our computers, working in tandem, pushing data back and forth until the puzzle pieces all started coming together. My source markers were being replaced with actual source quotes, while Namjoon added in relevant statistics to back up my claims.  Chloe overwatched it all, constantly proofing and correcting typos.

As Jin pasted in the final quote, his voice was barely a whisper. "I think we've done it. Annie, I think it's done."

Disbelief was on his pouty face, almost doubting it himself, only for Yoongi, who had been tentatively watching over his shoulder, to speak up. "He's right, Annie. It's done."

None of us spoke for a moment or two, but it felt like hours. Months had gone into this story, the longest that I'd ever spent on one. It had started as a simple column filler, just a little report on something that would be a footnote in a much larger story once the drugs had reached large-scale distribution, but it had turned into something so much more. 

Staring at my screen, I took it all in.

The report was exponentially longer than any of us had intended, having had too much to fit into one article. Instead, we'd collated everything, providing smaller articles that when all amassed together created a mammoth. Twelve pages of 12pt Times New Roman stared back at me, pretty venom that was surely going to sting when finally released into the world.

Cait&Co, Colour & Corruption: The Mono-business monopolising Monovision.

By Seong Annie
With Kim Namjoon & Kim Seokjin
Editor | Lee Chloe

Hovering over the 'submit for publication' button, I hesitated. All eyes were on me, and I could feel it. Exhaling deeply, I looked up quickly, eyes meeting Jungkooks.

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