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Days on trial: 65

The gentle hum of soft engine purrs were the only soundtrack that we needed as we drove home, the world rolling away beneath the tyres of Jungkook's car. He'd taken pride of place in the driver's seat, deciding that I'd burnt his clutch and worn his brake pads quite enough for one day. Insults aside, I was glad he'd relegated me to the passenger seat - there was no way I would have been able to control any sort of pedals with my legs as shaky as they were in that moment. He'd well and truly made me weak at the knees.

"We need to swing by the studio, just before I drop you home," he spoke nonchalantly, as if he hadn't just taken my hand and placed it on the gear stick beneath his. Fingers interlocked, I let him dictate my movements, thankful that he couldn't feel how clammy my palms were.

"We do?"

"Mhmm," he smiled, glancing over towards me, the traffic lights sparkling in his chestnut eyes. "Don't look so scared. It's a nice surprise."

"I don't like surprises," I admitted shyly. Opening up to him felt easier now; mandatory. "They make me nervous."

"They do?" his tone softened, eyebrows focused. "You didn't mention it when I said I'd surprise you with what we were doing today. I'm sorry."

"No, no," my cheeks flushed. I went to pull my hand away to express my thoughts, but he strengthened his grip and I wanted to combust. "No, this was a nice surprise."

He nodded, face still a bit perplexed. 

"Keep your next surprise a secret," I encouraged, shaking off the nerves of the unknown. "I know it will be a good surprise."

"You sure?"


Squeezing my fingers, a smile found it's way back to his face, calm restored in his mind.

Rolling to a halt, parking the car up outside his place, we relished in the moment for a second, before our bubble would inevitably be burst by his housemates. 

The plan was to grab the studio keys from his flat and then walk back to mine via the studio. We'd both driven for far too long and knew that stretching our legs would do us some good. Secretly, I think we also both knew it was an excuse for me to invite him to stay at mine, but neither of us was bold enough to speak that into existence. Not yet.

And so, we made our way up to his, talking nonsense to distract ourselves from the heady tension simmering between the pair of us. 

"You're just in time!" Chloe squealed from the sofa as we bundled into the flat. Warm air engulfed us, the scent of sweet cinnamon permeating every inch of the apartment. I didn't even need to ask to know that she was responsible for it; the festive decorations, glittering lights and beautifully decorated tree.

Jungkook had told me that last year, their tree had been a stack of upturned party cups, spray-painted green, with a John Cena WWE doll stuck on top. "Nothing says Christmas quite like Hobi and Jimin playing the John Cena song on recorders through their noses." 

Bizarrely, I kind of thought he was probably right. If anything, I was almost disappointed that I wouldn't be getting a rendition this year.

"What for?" Jungkook called as he trailed into the kitchen to pick up the keys off the hook, turning to glance over towards the living room. "Oh shit."

His eyes shot to mine and back to the screen that was on the back wall of their open plan living area. Tilting my head, I couldn't help but smile. What?

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