Defeat and Despair

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Rapunzel heard the desperate screams outside the castle's gates, and her heart ached to help the townspeople. But her father had ordered her to stay inside. She had argued, of course, but Rapunzel had never seen her father that scared for her safety in a while. She gave in just to take one worry off his mind so he could focus on fighting off the giant rock monsters outside.

Speaking of which, what were those things? She peeked out the window and studied one walking down the street. It had sharp features, vaguely reminiscent of a human but at the same time monstrous and cruel looking. Its skin was made of the black rocks Cassandra and Varian could summon, so Rapunzel wondered if maybe one of them had created the monsters.

No, she decided. These rock giants look far too ancient for Cass and Varian to have recently made them. They must be a part of the old lore associated with the moonstone and sundrop.

Rapunzel heard a sudden clamor in the hallway outside her door. There was a loud crash, shouts, and clang of armor against the marble floor.

"Keith?" she called uncertainty to the guards that had been posted outside her room. "Jaren? Hal?"

The person that responded was not one of the voices she had wanted to hear. "Hello, Raps." a familiar voice came from the other side of the door.

"Cassandra?" Rapunzel yelped in surprise. "How did you-"

"Open the door," someone else interrupted. "We don't have time or patience for questions." This voice Rapunzel recognized as Varian, but different than she remembered. The young, playful cheer in his tone was gone. Instead his voice was merciless, steely and commanding.

"Why should I open the door?" Rapunzel challenged, anger growing within her. "What would happen if I don't? It'd take you quite a while to knock it down. By then, the guards would have probably captured you."

These had once been her friends, but Rapunzel didn't think she knew them anymore. Maybe it was time to stop hoping they would come back. Maybe it was time to forget old ties and fight for her kingdom.

Cassandra laughed. It was a cold, harsh sound, devoid of any real mirth. "It's fine if you don't want to open the door. But if you remain safely in your room, your fiance will probably be dead within, say, two minutes? How long can people survive without oxygen?"

Rapunzel nearly had a heart attack. Her fingers flew over the locks and she threw the doors open. "Eugene!" she cried.

She spotted him held by the neck by one of the bigger rock giants. He blinked desperately at her, trying to shake his head and tell her to stay safe. But Rapunzel was not going to let the love of her life die like that.

In the moment, Rapunzel harbored no hesitations about attacking her former friends. "Let. Him. Go." she growled with the fury of a wild animal.

"Don't worry, I'll uphold my end of the bargain," Cass replied with a smirk. "Drop him." she ordered the giant.

Rapunzel's panic abated as Eugene was released, slumping to the floor and gasping in air.

"What do you want with me?" Rapunzel hissed at Cassandra and Varian. "Why are you here?"

"We're here for control of Corona, of course. We will form a new, strong kingdom with new laws and rules. Corona is in danger, Raps." Cassandra told her. "Did your father tell you that the kingdom of Montbarre, to the south, has been planning an invasion? They're not the only ones considering taking over Corona. They think that with you in charge, the kingdom will be weakened enough that they will be able to take it."

"What do you mean, with me in charge?" Rapunzel wanted to know. She put her hands on her hips. "What about me ruling makes the kingdom weak?"

"They think you're too naive to rule," Cassandra explained. "That you're too indecisive and you just don't have enough experience. We seek to make Corona into a globally revered nation, respected and strong."

Cassandra had unknowing just spoken some of Rapunzel's own doubts about her coronation. She wasn't completely sure if she was ready to rule, either. But Rapunzel wasn't going to let her doubts stop her from saving her kingdom.

"Invasion from Montbarre or no invasion from Montbarre, right now it's your invasion I'm worried about," Rapunzel said, changing the subject. "I'm not just going to roll over and let you take over my kingdom."

"And Cass, I used to know you. Even though I may not recognize you now, I know you were ambitious before and I doubt that ambition has disappeared. You're after more than a throne. Besides, neither of you were ever the type to rule anyway."

"You're smart, princess, I have to give you that," Varian acknowledged. "But we can't spoil our plans just yet. You'll just have to wait and see."

"I'm not planning on waiting to see anything," Rapunzel said boldly, crossing her arms determinedly. "I won't stop fighting until my kingdom is safe."

Cassandra smiled. "Just as you know me, I know you too. I didn't think you would just give up. But I do know that you wouldn't want any harm to come to the rest of your family, who we happen to have in our possession."

Rapunzel felt sick to her stomach. She was trapped. There were no other options. "Please, don't hurt them." she begged. "I'll do anything, just please, let the violence stop."

"That's all we wanted," Cassandra nodded in satisfaction. "If you order your people to stop fighting, I will do the same for the Nautstein."

Rapunzel swallowed. "I'll do it," she said, dropping her gaze to the floor in defeat.

"Right this way, then, princess," Varian replied. Two of the rock giants seized Rapunzel's wrists and led her down the hallway, defeated and in despair.

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