The Battle Begins

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They were here. Cassandra's heart beat faster as they came over the rise of the hill giving them their first glimpse of Corona. It was time. This was what they had prepared for all these months.

Suddenly, a voice behind her said, "Hello, Cassandra."

Cassandra whipped around in surprise, her sword instantly in her hands. She lowered her blade though as she saw the familiar ghostly blue form of Zia behind her.

"What is it, Zia?" Cassandra said, putting her hands on her hips.

"I simply came to help you," Zia smiled innocently. "And offer you some information you may find helpful."

Varian walked up beside Cass, a scowl on his face. "Zia, you've been who knows where for the last two weeks while we spent all of our time organizing the army. Whatever you have to say better be good, or else I don't want to hear it."

Cassandra looked at Varian. She could tell that he had changed a lot since they had acquired the moonstone. His child-like qualities had fallen away as matured and grew stronger. He now carried himself with greater confidence, courage, and firm belief in the range of his skills. Cassandra was impressed with how far he had come, and she was proud to have him by her side as they marched to take Corona.

"I thought you two might want to know that everyone is busy preparing for Rapunzel's coronation tomorrow," Zia told them. "That may affect some of your plans in how you approach the castle."

"Coronation?" Cassandra mused. "Rapunzel's going to be queen?"

Zia nodded. "Was that good enough information for you?" she challenged with a smirk.

Cassandra shook her head in exasperation. "Yes. Thank you, Zia." Zia nodded in satisfaction and disappeared with a pop into the air. Cassandra sighed and turned to Varian. "So, got any ideas of how we should move forward from here?"

Varian's eyes narrowed as he thought that over. "I think we can abandon our previous plan and just attack head-on for the most part." he said. "If everyone's distracted with preparations, it will take them valuable time to be able to mount a counter-attack."

"So we should just abandon the idea of a portion of our forces moving in through the catacombs?" Cassandra asked.

"No, I think we should stick to that." Varian said, shaking his head. "But the rest of our forces can pour into the city from the gates and move straight to the castle."

"That sounds like a solid plan," Cassandra agreed. "Let's go with it."

She admired Varian's tactical expertise, which had arisen as they had discussed battle plans a few weeks earlier. Varian was smart and could envision different situations in his head in a way that Cassandra couldn't. That, paired with his general brilliance, made him a talented tactician. Especially when he added his knowledge of alchemy into the mix. He had created a few helpful concoctions to equip the Nautstein warriors for the battle.

"Cass?" Varian asked, jolting her out of her thoughts.

"Yes?" Cassandra said quickly, shaking her head to make her self focus. "What did you say?"

"I asked if you had any ideas on how we could split up the army. As in, how many are going to be heading through the catacombs? And are we going to lead them?"

"I think we should take just one rank of the Nautstein." Cassandra suggested. "We should both go through the catacombs with them, but I'll lead the initial assault on the palace gates."

"So after the battle has begun, you'll make your way to where the group will be waiting and we'll go into the catacombs?" Varian guessed.

"Yes." Cassandra nodded. "I'll let the Nautstein golems take my place in the front lines. They'll be sure to cause some damage."

Nautstein golems were a powerful variation of the normal Nautstien. They were large and bulky, fearsome and extremely strong with their giant fists.

Varian nodded. "Got it. Now, I'll bring the rank that's going into the catacombs to an entrance and we'll wait for you to join us."

"I'll be there soon." Cassandra told him. Varian mock saluted, grinning at her before he turned to call to the rank of Nautstein he was commanding.

As Cassandra got closer to the walls of the kingdom, she could see villagers looking and pointing in confusion at the rows of Nautstein warriors marching toward the town. Cassandra called the army to a halt and turned to address them.

"I'll be leading the initial assault, but when the fighting begins I'm leaving the war golems in charge." Cassandra told them. "These are my orders for you: Don't kill anyone unless it is absolutely necessary. And I doubt it will be. I would prefer to take prisoners. Also, don't harm Rapunzel. At all. Nor any of the royal family, they are valuable prisoners. If we have them, the whole kingdom will obey us. As for destruction..." Cassandra smiled wryly. "The more, the better."

Excited, savage growls rumbled from the Nautstien. They loved destruction.

Cassandra raised a hand to quiet them. "Are my orders understood?"

Yes, mistress. came the resounding snarls. Understood.

"Good." Cassandra nodded. "Now, march on! Double time!"

She and the Nautstein charged down the hillside. As they reached the open kingdom gates, she let out a piercing war cry as the rush of battle washed over her. She drew her sword and called, "Nautstein, ATTACK!"

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