A New Feeling

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Cassandra woke with a start. She had been having a nightmare, and the last thing she had heard before she woke up as Rapunzel saying, "Why would I let you live after what you've done? You mean nothing to me."

Cass shook her head. Rapunzel wouldn't do that. Besides, she and Raps were enemies now, so Cassandra didn't care what Rapunzel thought about her. Well, at least she was trying not to care.

She glanced over at Varian, who didn't seem to be sleeping very soundly either. He muttered in his sleep, tossing and turning. Cassandra wondered what he was dreaming about. Varian suddenly let out a shout and sat up straight, panting. He saw Cassandra was awake and calmed down.

"You having bad dreams too?" Cassandra asked.

Varian nodded. "Yeah." Cassandra suddenly noticed his eyes were filled with tears, but he fiercely rubbed them away.

"Are you okay?" she questioned.

Varian hesitated. "I miss my father." he admitted.

Cassandra nodded in understanding. She missed her own adoptive father, the captain of the guard. But after finding out the truth about her past, she had been furious with him, and right now she had no desire to see him again anytime soon. That didn't keep her from missing him, though.

"Me too." Cassandra told him. "But you can't let that stop you. You may have to fight him, you know."

Varian shook his head. "I can't. I couldn't ever do that."

At his words, Cassandra felt a twinge of fear. Was he going to leave her? Angrily, she pushed the feeling down. Why did it matter? She would finally get both halves of the moonstone and fulfill her destiny. Alone.

"Fine." Cassandra hissed, feeling disappointed. "Give me the moonstone then."

A wave of relief washed over her when Varian said, "No. I'm not giving up on you. Just because I can't fight my father doesn't mean I won't fight as hard as I can against everyone else. I promise I won't ever abandon you, Cassie."

"Um, thank you, Varian." she said awkwardly. She hesitated. "I- I'm sorry. I won't doubt you again."

Varian flashed her a smile, and she smiled back. She laid back down, her back to Varian. "Goodnight."

She heard Varian lay back down as well. "Goodnight, Cassie."

The next morning she awoke and Varian was gone. She wondered where he had went. Cass shrugged. He'd be back. She summoned up her powers, using a rock pillar to lower herself down from the black rock tower and to the ground. Zia wasn't anywhere in sight, so Cass decided to train alone. She was still disappointed in herself from the day she had failed to summon the Nachtstein warrior.

She frowned. Speaking of the warrior, where was it? Varian had left it somewhere around here, but Cassandra couldn't remember exactly where.

As if it had sensed her thoughts, the warrior came lumbering out of the bushes to her left. "You called, mistress?" it said.

Cassandra nodded. "I would like to train my fighting skills." she said. "You will act as my mock opponent."

The Nachtstein growled in assent. "Yes, mistress."

Cassandra suddenly lunged forward, pulling the black rock sword out of its scabbard on her back in one smooth motion. But the Nachtstein reacted with the speed of lightning. It blocked her blow with its fists, and Cassandra was impressed. These Nachtstein would make a formidable army.

She trained with the Nachtstein for a while, then sat down to rest. Cass was about to resume when Varian burst into the clearing, tears streaking his cheeks.

"What's wrong?" Cassandra asked him, worried.

"I went to visit my father." Varian said, anger filling his words. "He yelled at me. He was furious with me for siding with you. He tried to force me to stay while he called for the guard to imprison me. When I resisted, he fought me." Varian turned his head to reveal a long scratch running down the left side of his face. "I don't know if he meant to hurt me, but..."

Cassandra put her hands to her mouth. "Varian..." she whispered.

Varian hung his head. "I guess he doesn't love me anymore," he rasped.

Cassandra didn't normally hug people, but Varian really needed it right now. As she embraced him, she realized with a jolt he was just as tall as she was. He had grown and matured a lot since she had first met him, that was for sure.

Varian lifted his face to look up at her. "Thanks for being there for me when no one else is, Cassie." he said softly.

Cassandra gave him a small smile. "Of course. We're in this together, right?"

What Varian did next shocked her. He kissed her lightly on the cheek and said, "I know." Then he stepped back and headed into the woods to be alone for a little while.

Cassandra watched him go, feeling affection swell in her heart. Varian was starting to become a sort of younger brother to her, but she wasn't good at feelings. Cass knew she cared about Varian, but it was hard for her to show it.

She wondered if this whole moonstone business was too dangerous for him, but then she shook her head. Varian might be young, but he was strong. He could fend for himself. Still, Cassandra knew she wouldn't let anyone hurt him.

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