Reminders of an Old Friendship

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Cassandra stalked across the castle grounds, knowing every inch of the area by heart. She knew exactly how and where to sneak into the castle, and even which guards were on duty. Yes, she was pretty familiar with this place.

But she hadn't come to reminisce. She had a goal in mind, and if she wasn't paying attention, she could get caught. Now, with her new powers, she could defend herself, but she didn't want to start a fight right now.

Cassandra easily dodged the guards and ducked into the castle. She stole some much needed provisions from the kitchens and walked down the hallway that led to her old quarters. She was about the walk in when a small noise made her pause. It sounded like... crying?

Cassandra peeked through the cracked door and saw Rapunzel kneeling on Cass' bed, looking at a picture with tears flowing down her cheeks.

"Cassandra, I miss you." Rapunzel said, and for a moment Cass thought Rapunzel was talking to her. But Rapunzel was only speaking to herself. "I wish you would come back."

Cassandra didn't know why, but she answered, "Why?"

Rapunzel would have been surprised, but she thought she was imagining Cass' reply.

"You were my best friend, like a sister to me." Rapunzel said. "I couldn't ask for a better handmaiden. But you were more than that, smart and brave, and determined. You weren't just an ordinary castle servant, that was for sure."

Cassandra was touched by Rapunzel's words. Maybe she really didn't deserve Cassandra's animosity. But Cass firmly reminded herself that they were enemies now.

"Where have you been?" Rapunzel whispered. "Somewhere far away, out of my reach? Are you and Varian safe? Do you have food?" Rapunzel sighed, worry filling the sound. "It feels like you're close, but I know you're not here."

If only she knew. Cassandra hesitated, but then pushed open the door. Rapunzel turned to see her old friend standing in the doorway.

"Cass?" Rapunzel rasped, hardly believing her eyes.

"I'm here." Cassandra said, all intentions of carrying out her previous plan falling away. She had to let Rapunzel know that she was okay. She deserved that, at least.

Rapunzel's tears of sadness turned in to ones of joy as she leapt up to hug Cass. "You're back."

"Not for long." Cassandra said. "I'll be leaving in a bit."

Rapunzel looked at her, crestfallen. "You're not staying?"

"I have a destiny to follow." Cassandra reminded her. "We're enemies, remember."

"But we don't have to be!" Rapunzel exclaimed. "I-"

Cassandra stopped her. "No. You're not changing my mind. I just wanted you to know Varian and I are okay. I didn't want you to worry about us."

"You do still care." Rapunzel murmured, smiling. "I knew you did."

Cassandra sighed. "I'm trying to not care. But when you see your old best friend crying, it's a little hard to ignore."

Rapunzel laughed and hugged her again. Cassandra looked at her one more time before walking towards the window.

"We're enemies from now on." Cassandra told her firmly. "Next time I see you I will not hesitate to attack. Remember that."

"I could never fight you, Cass." Rapunzel told her. "You're my friend, and always will be."

"You're going to have to fight if you want to keep your kingdom safe." Cassandra warned. "Goodbye, Raps."

Cassandra shoved her shoulder against the window and it popped open. Cass jumped out the window and headed back to the black rock tower.

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