Chapter 30

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[The Mute Alpha - Chapter 30]


*Autumn's POV*

I didn't know when I fell asleep or how I ended up back in bed, but when I woke up, my body felt somewhat normal again. My hair was still a little damp and splayed over the pillow in tangled strands. I also realized my lack of clothing. Sitting up, I ignored the lingering headache and looked over at Kian, who slept face first into his pillow, snoring softly. Did he bring me back in here?

The last thing I remembered was him sharing some of his childhood stories to me, which included the first time he learned how to fly a plane. Eventually I found myself dozing off as the burning sensations finally diminished.

Now, slightly cold, I ran my fingers through my messy hair, cringing when they got stuck on thick knots. I glanced around the room for some clothes, but found nothing. Laying back down, I stared up at the ceiling with a frown, shivering slightly.

Time passed by, whether it was seconds, minutes, or hours, I didn't know. Eventually, I heard Kian shift on the futon, waking up from his slumber. He sat up and yawned, rubbing his tired eyes. Then he glanced over in my direction and saw me staring back at him.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, his voice deeper due to just waking up. He yawned and ran a hand through his already messed up hair. During this action, I noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt, but his muscles weren't what I focused on. Instead, despite the darkness of the room, I spotted markings on his abdomen.

"What happened?" I questioned, curiosity and concern laced in my voice.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but when I gestured towards his body, he looked down and quickly pulled the blankets up to his shoulders.

"Ah, nothing," he replied. I narrowed my eyes, but thought it was best to leave it alone. Besides, it wasn't my business anyways.

After a moment of silence, I asked a different question. "Did you bring me in here?" I noticed his cheeks tinge red as he stared down at the blanket covering him.

"Yeah. You fell asleep, and I figured you didn't need to be there any longer," he mumbled, rubbing his neck.

"Thank you, Kian," I whispered, sending him a small smile. He returned the gesture before leaning his head back against his pillow, staring up at the ceiling.

"What are we going to do? Theo's not looking too good, and we have no idea where we are..."

I thought for a moment, all of my hope and determination from the other day no longer there. "I...I don't...know..."

Kian's green, worry-filled eyes bored into mine. "What if we can't find your mate?"

I fiddled with the seam of the sheets and shrugged. "We will find him, even if it kills me."

Kian stood up from the futon and dug through his bag for a shirt. He slid it on and turned towards me. "Then what are we waiting for?"


"The doctor informed me that he is slowly recovering. Unfortunately, he is not in any condition to leave. They also told me that visitors aren't allowed right now,"  Janet said as she walked up to Kian and I.

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