Chapter 18

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Song: Natural by Imagine Dragons

[The Mute Alpha - Chapter 18]


I buttoned up my shirt and fixed the blue bow tie around my neck. I glanced at myself in the mirror with satisfaction. I didn't really know what to wear. I spent a lot of time going through my closet and finding something that I'd think Autumn would like. So I just picked a black button up, black pants, and a bow tie that matched Autumn's dress. Mysha told me that Autumn went for an aqua dress and said that it would be nice if we matched. So while they were at the mall she bought me a tie.

Once I was ready, I decided to wait for Autumn by the front door. I didn't know how long it would take for her to get ready since girls usually take forever. Fortunately, it wasn't that long because Autumn appeared in the entry way with a nervous look on her face.

My mouth parted slightly as I took in her breathtaking appearance. The dress she was wearing was a light aqua color, the chest part of it decorated with aqua, silver, and white sequins. The front of it ended a little below her mid thighs and the back flowed to the floor. It looked really cute on her. Her brown hair was curled and flowed over her shoulders. Pieces of her hair were braided and pinned back with a hair clip. Her face had a light layer of makeup on it and I smiled, glad she wasn't hiding her beautiful face behind layers of that shit. My eyes couldn't leave the beautiful sight in front of me as I was left awestruck.

Her large, brown eyes stared back at me, taking me in as well. She, too, smiled. "You look hot," she breathed out in awe. You look beautiful, I wanted to say back. When she caught me staring, she sucked her bottom lip into her mouth and bit it nervously. Whatever little bit of control I had left disappeared. I moved forward and cupped her face with my hands and brought her face towards mine, capturing her lips with mine.

Her body froze as she stood there in shock. At first, I debated whether or not to pull away and apologize. Too soon. Before I could step away, she melted into my arms as my lips brushed against hers in a soft manner. Her lips felt so soft and I smiled against her mouth when she returned the kiss. My heart started beating rapidly against my chest, and I could practically hear her's as well.

Her hands moved up to my hair as she pulled my head closer. My hands moved away from her face and down to her waist so that I could bring her body to mine. I grew frustrated when the barrier between us got in the way. I just wanted to rip off her dress right then and there, but I knew that it wasn't the time for that. I moved away so that I could catch a breath, but an annoyed groan left Autumn's lips and she bit my bottom lip and tugged, making me move closer to her so that she could continue. I obviously didn't mind.

Someone cleared their throat, interrupting our moment. Autumn pulled away from me and glared at whoever just interrupted us. I turned and saw Theo poking his head in through the front door. "That was extremely disgusting," he muttered to himself. "I think I'm gonna puke."

"What do you want?" Autumn snapped, clearly annoyed.

Theo chuckled. "The ceremony, duh."

"We're finishing this later," Autumn whispered before kissing my cheek and following Theo out the door.


The chairs were almost completely full, people of all ages filling them up as they walked across the sand over to the chairs. They all sat with large smiles on their faces as they talked excitedly amongst each other.

Autumn was standing on the other side of the curtains with Mysha, a nervous expression plastered on her face. I stood on the stage with a confident smile. "It was about time," Theo muttered under his breath. I chuckled, knowing exactly what he was referring to. And I couldn't help but smile because I could still feel Autumn's gentle lips against mine. The electrical tingles that soared threw my body as I felt her against me. That was my first kiss and it was a whole lot better than I had expected.

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