Chapter 12

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[Chapter 12 - The Mute Alpha]

Song: Goodbye by Who is Fancy


The salty air blew against my face in the breeze. Seagulls called out to each other as they flew above everyone, peeking down in search of food. The boiling sun beamed from above, casting bright light and heat.

"I'm not used to this weather," Autumn muttered as she brought her hand above her face, trying to shade her eyes from the sun. I chuckled as she grumbled to herself. She rolled up the sleeves of her shirt up to her shoulders.

"It's so hot! I might as well walk around in my undergarments." I rolled my eyes at her, but didn't bother hiding the smile. I'm used to the heat, so it doesn't really bother me. But I can't blame. She didn't pack the appropriate attire for this kind of weather, which is why we are going shopping.

At the moment she was wearing a short-sleeved shirt, which, by the way, was the color black, and a pair of black pants that went down to her knees. Her auburn hair was twisted up into a bun on her head, so I could see the beads of sweat forming on her forehead and the back of her neck.

I motioned her to follow me as we walked on the sidewalk, passing various stores and restaurants. The palm trees lined the sidewalk along with some brightly-colored flowers. Autumn walked underneath one of the palm trees and leaned against it, hiding under the shadow it created. "Can we just stay under here?" she asked, fanning her face with her hand. I continued walking and she grumbled again, probably a few curses, and followed me.

I stopped when we reached a store that had mannequins in the window, posing in dresses with hats, purses, and sunglasses. Autumn cringed when she caught sight of a girl leaving the store with shorts that were...let's just say very short.

"How can she wear that?" she cried out, "Her ass is practically hanging out!" She pursed her lips when other girls came walking out wearing bikinis and short skirts. One of them winked at me as she passed by.

"Bitch, keep your eyes to yourself," Autumn snapped as she glared at the girl with angry eyes. I smirked at her possessiveness and a look of satisfaction appeared on Autumn's face when the girl's mouth dropped as she gasped

I pulled the door open for her and she rushed inside, muttering a "thank you". She sighed when the cool air from the air conditioner was blasting on high. Music was quietly playing on the speakers, filling up the silence. Racks of clothes scattered around the room along with some mannequins.

"Hey, Alpha," a feminine voice from the counter spoke up. I looked up to see a girl with a large grin on her face. Her curly blonde hair bounced as she walked over to us. "What brings you here?"

I motioned to my mate. The blonde's hazel eyes moved over to Autumn, her grin widening. "Who are you?" she asked, "I can tell you're not from around here." Her eyes gave Autumn a once over.

Autumn shook her head, "I'm from up North. Jax is my mate." My mate.

The girl's mouth parted at Autumn's words, eyes widening. "What?" she gasped before turning to me, "You found your mate?! This is so exciting!" She squealed. Autumn covered her ears while I flinched at the startling noise. Other people in the store stopped what they were doing to see what the commotion was.

The cashier started jumping up and down before she quickly hugged me and then Autumn. "Finally! A Luna! It's about damn time." Again, she gripped Autumn's shoulders and pulled her in for a bear hug. "I'm Gracie," she told her.

"Autumn..." Autumn breathed out.

Once Gracie pulled away from her, she took a step back. "I'm guessing you are here for clothes that are appropriate for these temperatures?" she asked. Autumn looked at me and I nodded.

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