Chapter 34

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Hey guys!!!! Another update. I've been quarantined this past week because of my dad, so I've had a lot of time on my hands. I have news too. So this is the last chapter of this story, unfortunately, but I hope you all enjoy it.

[The Mute Alpha - Chapter 34]


Nervousness seeped through me as I stepped into the bustling building full of frantic nurses and doctors. Ever since we arrived, they worked nonstop to try and save Beta Theo's life. We didn't trust anyone over in Canada, so Jaxton used a pay phone in a nearby town to hook us up with a flight. By the time we reached the south, Theo's complexion looked deathly pale.

I could tell Kian was worried too by the way he constantly glanced over in his direction. He caught me once while we were on the plane, and he seemed embarrassed.

Fortunately Jax was alright, just resting and recovering in his room. I visited him every day to see if he needed anything. While he was out, I did some of his Alpha work for him so he didn't have a lot to stress over once he was able to leave this hospital.

When I entered Theo's room, I saw Kian hunched over his sleeping form, his emerald eyes holding so much emotion it made me pause at the door. Theo definitely looked better than before, the color returning to his skin and the cuts slowly scabbing over. They had a mask covering his nose and mouth to help him breath, and they injected a tube into his arm to drain out the Wolfsbane from his blood stream.

I backed out of the room, not wanting to disturb them. So I decided to visit my own mate, excited to see him. When I entered, his brown eyes met mine, and he flashed me a bright smile.

"Hey," he greeted me with his deep, velvety voice, which I have quickly begun to love. I still wasn't used to him speaking, each time it still caught me off guard. But I felt so proud of him. I walked over to the side of his bed and sat down in the chair, grabbing a hold of his awaiting hand.

"Hi," I leaned over and planted a kiss on his forehead. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm doing great now that you're here," he answered, which caused my cheeks to heat up. "You look stunning today."

I glanced down at my joggers and baggy sweatshirt. I had my hair tied up in a messy bun and my face was free of any makeup. I had no idea what he was talking about, because this was my normal appearance.

"And so do you," I responded with a smirk. And I wasn't lying. Even though he wore a white patient gown, his hair was disheveled, and stubble decorated his jaw, he looked absolutely perfect in my eyes. The healing wounds on his face even made him appear more manly.

"How much longer do you have in here?"

"About a couple more days," he replied. "Then I'll be able to go home."

"I can't wait."


The savory aroma of the cooked chicken breast wafted around the kitchen as I pulled it out of the oven. I smiled when I saw how tasty they looked. I was sure Jax would be happy to see a freshly-cooked, homemade meal when he got home rather than the shit they served him at the hospital.

I prepared the dinner table by placing a couple vanilla-scented candles in the center with a lacy placemat underneath his plate. I dimmed the lights as well to set the mood. Then I grabbed the rice and green beans from the kitchen and sat them by the candles.

I glanced at the clock mounted on the wall and grinned when I saw the time. Then I heard the sound of a car pull up to the house. He was home.

When the front door opened, I ran. He dropped the bag in his hand on the floor and wrapped his arms around me when I got within reach. His masculine scent and warmth enveloped me like a blanket, and I'd never felt so happy in my life.

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