Chapter 21

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Song: Casual Affair by Panic! At the Disco (I can't remember if I've used this song already, but I love this song so I don't really care. I learned this song on the drums, and I've been listening to it on repeat. It's stuck in my head :P)

[Chapter 21 - The Mute Alpha]


Days passed by and Theo didn't get any better. He spent almost every day locked up in his house drinking and moping around. I had never seen him in this state before and I became concerned. Plus, I really needed his help. Lately, there have been even more rogue spottings in the area and it was difficult to communicate with my warriors. Autumn also went to talk with Theo a couple times, but didn't have any luck either. We also attempted to get a name from him, wanting to meet his mate. However, it was to no avail.

Alpha Derek eventually left after we finally had our meeting. Theo was there, but he didn't provide much assistance.

Now annoyance began to build inside of me. Theo overreacted over the whole situation. He found his mate, so he should feel ecstatic. Who cares if his mate was a dude. Eventually the mate bond would kick in and he'd want to be with the guy.

'We're going out,' I announced as I walked into Theo's bedroom. There was no way I would let him mope around any longer. He definitely would feel a lot better if he saw some women at the club. Although, I didn't know if he would be checking out all of the she-wolves or if he'd stare at the males, maybe both.

Theo protested as I made a move to open the curtains. The sun brightened up the dark room, and Theo groaned in annoyance, burying his face into his pillow.

My nose scrunched up when I smelled the pungent odor that lingered in the air. 'What is that stench?' I asked, fighting the urge to gag.

"My misery," Theo grumbled, his voice muffled. I rolled my eyes and moved over to his bed with determination.

'You need to get up,' I told him, ripping the blankets off his body.

"Jax!" Theo wined loudly. "Go away!"

'No! Get your ass up before I make you.' My patience ran on a thin line and I was about to snap.

When Theo didn't budge, I muttered some profanities under my breath and left the room with a plan in mind. A minute later I came back with a large bucket filled with ice-cold water. A smirk formed on my lips as I tipped it over, allowing the freezing liquid to dump out onto Theo.

He sat up with a gasp. "Dammit, Jax!" he shouted as he coughed and spat out water. "What the fuck was that for?"

I laughed in response and shrugged my shoulders. 'Get dressed, we're going out.'

Theo sighed loudly as he reluctantly got out of his soaked bed. He scowled and trudged over to his closet to get a change of clothes.

I waited a few minutes as he showered. When he finished, he looked way better than the last time I saw him. Although, I could detect bags under his his eyes. I couldn't help but feel bad for him. He shouldn't be feeling this way.

"Where are we going?" Theo asked as we left his house.

'You, my friend, are getting laid,' I replied with a grin. Maybe it would make him feel better.

"I-I don't know if that's such a good idea..."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He had never reacted this way before. Usually, he jumped at every opportunity.

'Come on, you never say no. It might lift your mood.'

"I'm not so sure," he mumbled quietly to himself."

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