Snowball 2.0

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A/N: This is the second part of a three part segment that started with "Max > Mike" and finishes with "Angel."

I wake up when El gets out of bed, she's trying really hard to be quiet so I pretend to still be asleep so I don't make her feel bad about waking me up. I watch her as she tiptoes to the bathroom, when she climbs back into bed I realize that she's freshened up...for me. I close my eyes before she can see that I'm awake. About 10 minutes after she's settled back in I fake waking up. "Good morning," I say, kissing her forehead. El smiles and gives me a sweet peck on the lips. "El, how do you still look perfect after rolling around all night?" 

She smirks, "I have superpowers." 

"Can I get some of those?" I say as I motion towards my tangled hair.

El grabs my brush from her nightstand and holds it up, "I'll do what I can." El brushes my hair, it's just as perfect as last time. 

After she finished we decide to eat some breakfast. I remember what Hopper told me about no letting El have too many Eggos and stop her as she starts to take them out of the freezer. "I'm making eggs and bacon."

El pouts, but then smiles, "Crispy bacon?" 

I smile too, "Crispy bacon." El does a little happy dance and then sets the table. 

When I finish making breakfast  I load up our plates and carry them over to the table. "Your plate, Miss. Hopper," I say, giving a little bow as I place a her food on the table. 

El laughs, "Miss?" 

I smile, "Well, this is our FINEST dining establishment. Very fancy." 

El looks longingly at the food, "Can I eat now?" 

I sit down, "Yeah, I'm done." 

We dig in, El seems to be enjoying her breakfast, which makes me happy. Once we're finished we clean up and I call home to let my mom know I'm staying the weekend. After that we get dressed and end up sitting on the couch. "I have an idea," I say as we lounge. 


"Remember the snowball?" 

El looks confused as to where I'm going with this, "Yes." 

I smile, "We should make our own snowball, decorate the living room, dress up, dance. What do you think?" 

El looks excited, "Are you asking me to a dance?" 

"Yeah. It probably won't be as nice as the real snowball, but I think we can do something with the living room, we could move some stuff to make room, use Hopper's records or your radio for the music, I'm sure there's some food we can use to-" 



"Please be quiet so I can kiss you." 

I'm surprised by El's forwardness, but I shut up. El lifts one hand to my head and runs her fingers through my hair. Then she presses her lips up against mine. It's our most romantic kiss yet. "Wow," El says softly.

"Yeah, wow," I mumble dreamily.

After a minute of holding each other I speak, "I hope I can top that later." 

El blushes, "You will." 

After a moment I pull her up, "Let's get to work!"

El and I are standing next to each other, admiring what we've done. We found some old white Christmas lights and paper streamers and balloons that look like they're meant for a child's birthday party. The living room looks pretty good. "What should we do next?" El asks. 

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